Hi there,

To me this looks like a quoting issue.

>From the error message, I think the agent is trying to run a program called 
"git pull", rather than trying to run a program called "git" while passing 
"pull" as the first argument.

I don't know why behaviour would have changed from GoCD version 21.2 to 
23.3, but I recommend looking at your job definitions to see if they need 
to be restructured to properly pass the instructions to the agent.

Hope this helps,
Jason Smyth

On Thursday, 9 November 2023 at 22:00:38 UTC-5 sjagan...@mdsol.com wrote:

> Could any one please help with this - I am writing to report a challenge 
> we’ve encountered following our recent upgrade from GOCD version 21.2 to 
> version 23.3. During our testing phase, we observed that certain pipelines, 
> which execute on Windows agents, are failing with the following error when 
> run through "Custom Command"
>  [go] Task: git pull
> Took: 0.179s
> Exited: 1
> '"git pull"' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
> operable program or batch file.
> This issue seems to be isolated to the Windows agents as the pipelines 
> running on Linux agents are performing without any issues.
> The same pipelines were functioning correctly on the previous version of 
> the GOCD server,
> which suggests a potential configuration or environment variable path 
> discrepancy in the new version.

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