On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 1:46 AM, <brentier at ulg.ac.be> wrote:

> It is my pleasure to announce that the Board of Administrators of the
> FRS-FNRS (Fund for Scientific Research in French-speaking Belgium) has
> officially decided to use exclusively Institutional Repositories as sources
> of bibliographic data in support of grant or fellowship submission (except
> for foreign applicants) starting in 2013 (strongly encouraged in 2012).
> FRS-FNRS is by far the main funder for basic research in the
> Wallonia-Brussels Federation.

* *I am sure that many readers will not quite realize the significance of
this development in Belgium, so I would like to spell it out:

This represents the first instance of extending one of the key features of
Professor Rentier's "Liege model"  research* institution *repository
deposit (ID/OA) mandate to a research *funder*.

The Liege model institutional mandate is to (i)* require deposit* and, in
order to ensure compliance, to (ii) *designate institutional repository
deposit as the sole mechanism for submitting publications for institutional
performance review*.

The FRS-FNRS is the research funding council for French-speaking Belgium.
Its Flemish-speaking counterpart, FWO, mandated OA deposit in 2007, but,
like most funder mandates, it *did not specify where to deposit*, and *did
not provide any system for monitoring and ensuring compliance*:

FRS-FNRS has has now *designated institutional repository deposit as the
sole mechanism for submitting publications in support of a research funding
This one stipulation has six major knock-on benefits: It not only:

(1) extends the Liege institutional mandate's compliance/monitoring clause
to funder mandates,

but it also

(2) helps integrate institutional and funder mandates,

(3) ensuring that deposit is made,

(4) ensuring that deposit is made in the author's institutional repository
(rather than in diverse institution-external repositories),

(5) encouraging institutions that have not yet done so to adopt deposit
mandates, so as to complement funder mandates for all institutional
research output, funded and unfunded and

(6) ensuring that institutional and funder mandates are convergent and
mutually reinforcing rather than divergent and competitive, with deposits
for both mandates being made institutionally, and with institutions hence
monitoring and ensuring compliance with funder mandates.

Bravo FRS-FNRS! Let us hope other research funders world-wde will adopt (or
upgrade to) the Belgian model.

*How to Integrate University and Funder Open Access
*Optimize the NIH Mandate Now: Deposit Institutionally, Harvest
*Optimizing OA Self-Archiving Mandates: What? Where? When? Why?
*Which Green OA Mandate Is

*Stevan Harnad*

> Rector of the Universit? de Li?ge
> Vice-President of the FRS-FNRS
> Chairman, Enabling Open Scholarship (EOS)
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