I have some simple questions about Green OA. I don't know the answers.

* is there any *contractual* relationship between a Green-publisher and any
legal body? Or is Green simply a permission granted unilaterally by
publishers when they feel like it, and withdrawable when they don't.
* if Green starts impacting on publishers' revenues (and I understand this
is part of the Green strategy - when we have 100% Green then publishers
will have to change) what stops them simply withdrawing the permission? Or
rationing it? Or any other anti-Green measure
* Do publishers receive any funding from anywhere for allowing Green? Green
is extra work for them - why should they increase the amount they do?
* Is there any body which regularly "negotiates" with publishers such as
ACS, who categorically forbid Green for now and for ever.

Various publishers seem to indicate that they will allow Green as long as
it's a relatively small percentage. But, as Stevan has noted, if your
institution mandates Green, then Elsevier forbids it. So I cannot see why,
if Green were to reach - say - 50%, the publishers wouldn't simply ration
it and prevent 100%.

Peter Murray-Rust
Reader in Molecular Informatics
Unilever Centre, Dep. Of Chemistry
University of Cambridge
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