These are comments on Paul Jump's article in today's Times Higher Ed.,
quoting Adam Tickel on the Finch Report, Green OA and Peer Review Costs


Professor Tickell is quite right that peer review has a cost that must be
paid. But what he seems to have forgotten is that that price is already
being paid *in full* today, handsomely, by institutional subscriptions,

The Green Open Access self-archiving mandates in which the UK leads
worldwide (a lead which the Finch Report, if heeded, would squander)
require the author's peer-reviewed final draft to be made freely accessible
online so that the peer-reviewed research findings are accessible not only
to those users whose institutions can afford to subscribe to the journal in
which they were published, but to all would-be users.

The Finch Report instead proposes to pay publishers even more money than
they are already paid today. This is obviously not because the peer review
is not being paid for already today, but in order to ensure that Green OA
itself does not make subscriptions unsustainable as the means of covering
the costs of publication.

To repeat: the Finch Report (at the behest of the publishing lobby) is
proposing to continue denying access-denied users access to paid-up,
peer-reviewed research, conducted with public funding, and instead pay
publishers 50-60 million pounds a year more, gradually, to make that
research Gold OA. The Finch Report proposes doing this instead of extending
the Green OA mandates that already make twice as much UK research OA (40%)
accessible as the worldwide average (20%) at no extra cost, because of the
UK's worldwide lead in mandating Green OA.

Let me also quickly put paid to the publisher FUD (swallowed wholesale by
the Finch Committee) about Green OA being (at one and the same time) (1)
inadequate and, at the same time, (2) leading to the ruination of
publishing and peer review:

What is lacking today is clearly not the payment for peer review. Peer
review is being paid for many times over by worldwide institutional
subscriptions. What is lacking is access to the paid-up, peer-reviewed
research, for all those would-be users whose institutions cannot afford the
subscription access. Green OA and Green OA mandates from researchers'
institutions and funders provide that much needed access, and the evidence
of its benefits has already been demonstrated over and over, in the form
the research uptake, use and impact that is enhanced by OA.

Now suppose that once 100% Green OA is reached globally, the users of the
world do indeed find the Green OA versions alone are adequate to their
needs, so their institutions cancel their subscriptions, making
subscriptions unsustainable as the means of covering the costs of
publication: What will happen?

First, the premise that the Green OA version is inadequate is self-refuted,
because the premise itself is that Green OA will, after all, be adequate
enough to make subscriptions no longer necessary!

Second, what will happen to peer review? Let us remind ourselves that peer
review is done by researchers themselves, for publishers, for free, as a
service to research itself, just as authors give publishers their papers
for free. The non-zero cost of peer review is hence just the cost of
managing the peer-review service. You need editors with expertise in the
subject matter to pick the peers and adjudicate their reviews. That costs
money, and that needs to be paid for.

But the money to pay for post-Green-OA peer review is freed up by the very
premise that Green OA will cause subscriptions to become unsustainable: For
if and when institutions have cancelled their subscriptions, because Green
OA is adequate for their users' needs, their annual windfall institutional
savings are available to pay the true Gold OA costs of post-Green-OA peer
review (management). Those institutional savings will be unlocked for
subscriptions and made available *instead* of the extra 50-60 million
pounds per year that the Finch Report is instead recommending that the UK
squander on pre-emptive Gold OA now, when worldwide subscriptions are still
paying for peer review,

Moreover -- and I can assure you that publishers are well aware of this,
even if naive academics are not -- the post-Green-OA cost of peer review
will be far less than the cost of peer review cost today, via
subscriptions, because it will be unbundled from many other costly
publisher goods and services with which it is inextricably bundled today,
namely, the print-on-paper edition, the online edition, access-provision
and archiving.

The publisher premise that Green OA will cause subscriptions to become
unsustainable (which I think is true -- but only when Green OA is reaching
100% globally, so institutions' users have a sure way to get access to all
of the contents of their subscribed journals even if their institutions'
subscriptions are cancelled) is the very same premise that guarantees that
the Gold OA costs of the co-bundled products and services that universal
Green OA has shown to be obsolete in the online era, can be un-bundled and
cut, making post-Green-OA peer review affordable to all institutions,
payable out of only a small portion of their very own annual windfall
subscription cancellation savings. No more need or market for the print and
online editions, because the Green OA versions (on the publishers' own
premise) are adequate, with the former publisher function of
access-provision and archiving now offloaded onto the worldwide network of
Green OA institutional repositories,

In other words, just a little reflection shows that the publisher FUD about
the wrack and ruin that would be induced by Green OA contains its very own

Yet that publisher FUD has successfully gulled the Finch Committee into
sidelining those inadequate and ruinous Green OA mandates, delaying the
long-overdue rise of OA from 40% OA to 100% OA, and proposing instead to
pay publishers still more for costly and unnecessary pre-emptive Gold OA,
 over and above the worldwide subscription revenue that is already paying
for  peer review and a lot more. All this, instead of extending and
optimizing Green OA mandates that will provide OA now, and will eventually
downsize post-Green-OA publishing to affordable Gold OA prices for peer
review alone, as well as freeing the subscription funds to pay for it.

Publishers will reply that they are willing to make a deal: Lock in current
prices subscription prices and they will give the UK an annual national
consortial site licence that gives UK institutions all the journal access
they want, and as Gold OA revenues rise, the consortial license fee will
shrink, until it is all being paid by Gold OA (at today's asking prices).

A very expensive insurance policy for publishers, from a UK that can ill
afford to pay it, locking in publishers' current revenue streams and modus
operandi, in exchange for very little OA (for UK output alone), and very
slowly. (And all this on the outrageous pretext of saving UK jobs in the
publishing industry!)

A real head-shaker, if the UK heeds the Finch Report  -- as I hope it will
have the good sense not to do.

Gargouri, Y., Hajjem, C., Lariviere, V., Gingras, Y., Brody, T., Carr, L.
and Harnad, S. (2010) Self-Selected or Mandated, Open Access Increases
Citation Impact for Higher Quality Research. PLOS ONE 5 (10) e13636

Harnad, S. (2007) The Green Road to Open Access: A Leveraged Transition.
In: Anna Gacs. The Culture of Periodicals from the Perspective of the
Electronic Age L'Harmattan. 99-106.

Harnad, S. (2010) No-Fault Peer Review Charges: The Price of Selectivity
Need Not Be Access Denied or Delayed. D-Lib Magazine 16 (7/8).

Harnad, S. (2011) Gold Open Access Publishing Must Not Be Allowed to Retard
the Progress of Green Open Access Self-Archiving Logos: The Journal of the
World Book Community 21(3-4): 86-93

Harnad, S. (2010) The Immediate Practical Implication of the Houghton
Report: Provide Green Open Access Now. Prometheus 28 (1): 55-59.
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