As a member of the Finch Working Group I would like to make a quick comment 
about the estimated costs of this transition.

First of all, let us remind ourselves of the different elements that lead to 
the headline figure of £50m - £60m pa:

·         £28m on OA publishing costs (i.e. publishing is fully OA and hybrid 

·         £10m estimate for "stickiness" (i.e. though we expect subscriptions 
costs to fall as the amount of content published via gold increases increase, 
there will be some "stickiness" in costs to subscriptions)

·         £10m on extensions to licences (i.e. providing better access to e.g. 
health sector - for content not authored by UK researchers; the 94% figure)

·         £3m-£5m on repositories [some of this money may already be in the 
system in the form of funding e.g. from the JISC]

·         £5m transition cost

As is evident, the biggest component of this is the £28m for OA publishing 
costs.  To arrive at this figure, the report made a number of assumptions:

·         APC's would be 20% higher than the "central case" (i.e. £1740, rather 
than £1450.  For information, the average APC paid by the Trust in the first 
quarter of 2011 was £1422)

·         UK gold uptake would be 50% of all UK authored articles (i.e.61,797 
of the 123,594 articles published per year by UK authors, get  routed via gold)

·         Rest of the world uptake of gold is 25% (i.e. the RoW moves more 
slowly in favour of gold)

·         UK pays for 75% of articles containing UK authors

As is already evident, trying to model these costs is a complicated task and as 
the report clearly states "there is considerable room for debate about the 
assumptions on all these issues, and that variations in them could bring 
significant changes in our estimates, both upwards and downwards".

The report (Annex E) does then model a number of different scenarios, and in 
the "central case" the cost to academic institutions to move to gold OA is 
"cost neutral", whereas for the UK as a whole, savings of £5.2m might be 
realised.  And that is before we start to calculate the other benefits which 
will result from this content being fully open, where it can not only be read, 
but re-used.

The key point I am trying to make is that, yes, there will be costs in this 
transition, but what they might be (and where they may fall)  is very difficult 
to estimate.

I would strongly urge all readers of the list who are interested in 
understanding the cost element of Finch Report to read Annex E of the report.  
This Annex, prepared by CEPA, is a follow-up to the analysis they prepared for 
the Heading for the Open Road report.

Robert Kiley
Head of Digital Services
Wellcome Library
183, Euston Road, London. NW1 2BE
Tel: 020 7611 8338; Fax: 020 7611 8703;
Library Web site:
The Wellcome Trust is a charity, registered in England, no. 210183. Its sole 
Trustee is the Wellcome Trust Limited, a company registered in England, no 
2711000, whose registered office is 215 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BE.

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