Dear Stevan,

As guest editor for Brain and Language, the manuscript for a special
issue has been sent off to Academic Press and I guess is in
production. I wondered whether I could advice the contributors of the
special issue to post their articles in the cog archives. AP has a
paragraph about "Personal Servers" in the Notice section at the end of
B&L saying "When an Academic Press journal accepts the work for
publication, the authors may post it, in its final accepted form, on
their personal servers (but not on any organized preprint server) with
a notice _Accepted for publication_ in  ....etc.

After publication, authors may post their Academic Press copyrighted
material on their own servers without permission, provided ....."
(Now they don't talk about "organized preprint servers" any more.

I know that some of my contributors cannot post their articles on
personal servers. Are the cog archives considered as a "organized
preprint server"?

You may understand that I do not want to encourage my authors to
something that puts them into trouble. But I would like to support free
electronic availability of articles. Have you had any experience with
AP on these matters?

I know you must be awfully busy with all your engagement in on- and
off-line publishing, so this is not an urgent message.

best wishes,
Brigitte Stemmer
  • ... Brigitte Stemmer <> <>
    • ... Stevan Harnad
    • ... Franck Ramus
    • ... Stevan Harnad
    • ... Ken Weiss
    • ... Stevan Harnad
    • ... Annette Karmiloff-Smith
    • ... Ken Weiss
    • ... sterling stoudenmire

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