it seems to me any law which seeks to prohibit or gatekeep publication of
any finding that has been discovered from research paid for by a government
or contributed under a tax break, or which is subject to a research and
development tax break, or other tax break, or which is conducted on a
government or other tax advantaged facility, should be held to be
unconstitutional.. and if not,  then the constitution should be amended to
accomodate open and free publication, republication and edistribution of
any and all such content no matter who wrote it, or when it was written or
who might not like it..

At 09:59 AM 11/16/1999 -0500, you wrote:
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Thomas J. Walker <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 1999 8:46 AM
>Subject: What are researchers willing to do?
>> Researchers should be highly motivated to make their refereed articles
>> freely accessible on the Web.  Thus far, however, their interest and
>> actions relative to such access have been minimal.  For example, few life
>> scientists have taken the offered opportunity to post their refereed
>> articles on central e-print servers.
>> I was therefore pleased to find, at three talks given to groups of 25 or
>> more life-science researchers during the past year, that most such
>> researchers have finally concluded that the Web will revolutionize their
>> access to journal articles.  Also they are beginning to realize that free
>> Web access is affordable and much more desirable than the tollgate access
>> that most publishers are currently planning and implementing.
>> To find out what those attending my two most recent talks were willing to
>> do to promote free access, I asked in a questionnaire if they would--
>> (3) post their old articles on their home pages without permissions from
>> copyright-holding publishers?
>> [80% would]
>Interesting that 80% said that they will break the law.  Is ignorance of the
>law or something else behind this?
Computer Aided Cell and Molecular Biology (CACMB), not medicine, will find
the cure for cancer and other diseases.  There will always be a need for
the trained clinician (MD/RN) but, advanced diagnostic and treatment option
selection has become gene based, has moved from the physician's practice to
the computerized cell and molecular biology laboratory, and appropriate
treatment options should now be based on the personal biology of the

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