On Sun, 12 Mar 2000, Thomas J. Walker wrote:

 >sh> The market can then decide whether authors think this is worth the
 >sh> price -- as long as they are allowed the self-archiving option, hence
 >sh> the choice...
tjw> Free Web access as offered by ESA includes the right to self archive
tjw> and specifically to post the PDF file on any Web server that will have
tjw> it. The one aspect of this service yet to be implemented is the posting
tjw> of the articles on PubMed Central.  ESA is currently trying to arrange
tjw> this.

A bit of a misunderstanding here: The choice I meant was the choice
between ESA-archiving of the PDF for a fee versus self-archiving one's
own version of the refereed final draft for free. Not the a posteriori
right to self-archive the PDF once one has paid the ESA fee...


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