On Thu, 2 Nov 2000, Greg Kuperberg wrote:

> > what gives you the impression that
> > this Forum is trying to prevent companies from doing whatever they
> > like?
> What you said originally was:
>sh> The Elsevier policy of publicly archiving pre-refereeing preprints
>sh> could be a good first step towards the optimal and inevitable, but it
>sh> is also possible that it is intended as a Trojan Horse,...
> I think it's divisive to speculate that someone else's e-print archive is
> a Trojan Horse.  It's true that I'm not sure that the CPS is compatible
> with Elsevier's mission of maximizing profit.  But let's give it the
> benefit of the doubt.

Good. Both sides of the question have been aired.

(Please distinguish my actions as moderator, when I invoke cloture,
from the expression of my own views on this topic -- which carry no
more weight then anyone else's ex officio.)

Stevan Harnad

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