On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 05:54:35PM +0000, Stevan Harnad wrote:
> But it is not the (primary) goal of the self-archiving (sub)initiative.
> That goal is to maximize research impact by removing needless
> access-barriers (because financial access-barriers also happen to be
> impact-barriers).

Okay, removing "access barriers".  I agree that a well-organized open
archive offers superior access to the literature.  But still, even
if it's your primary motive, it's not mine.  It's a motive for me,
but not the primary one.  I think it's in your interest to recognize
other people's motives for open archives rather than to label them as
dangerous red herrings.

> And please don't reply (again) that the only reason they keep
> submitting their work to peer-reviewed journals is because of the
> demands of tenure committees. That too is speculation.

In the case of most of *my* papers, it's the only reason.  There is no
speculation in that.
  /\  Greg Kuperberg (UC Davis)
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