on 25 Jul 2001 Stevan Harnad <har...@coglit.ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Jul 2001, Albert Henderson wrote:
> > sh> whereas it is indeed the journal's quality tag, certifying the
> > sh> quality level of its contents, that authors and users need, the two
> > sh> critical, substantive components on which it is based -- the research
> > sh> report itself, and the referee reports on it -- are always provided
> > sh> gratis by researchers. The journal merely implements this peer review
> > sh> process (processes the manuscript, selects the referees, processes
> > sh> their reports) -- an essential service, but a highly circumscribed
> > sh> one.
> >
> >         Referees don't review for free. They get something
> >         of greater value than money. Behind the scenes, each
> >         journal organizes activities which are as vital to
> >         the development of top scientists as publication.
> >         Closely related, often under the aegis of the publisher,
> >         are conferences, meetings, seminars, and other
> >         volunteer participation.
> So could you run that by me again, Albert? When I am asked by a journal
> to referee a paper, in what sense am I not giving my time for free?

        Anyone who believes no value is gained by participating
        is free to refuse. Some do. Some ask for money. Some
        get money.

Albert Henderson

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