On Sat, 11 Aug 2001, Jim Till wrote:

But, what about reasons WHY the primary research literature should be
freed?  Here's my first attempt at a summary of some of the main reasons:

1.  It should be done:

     - Information gap: Libraries and researchers in poor countries can't
afford most of the journals that they need.

     - Library crisis: Libraries and researchers in rich countries can't
afford some of the journals that they need.

     - Public property: The results of publicly-funded research should be

     - Academic freedom: Censorship based on cost rather than quality
can't be justified.

(and) - Easier access: A global repository of all scientific literature,
full-text searchable, and citation linked.

2.  It can be done:

    - Open archives: Authors can self-archive their publications in open

    - Cost issues: Both electronic journals and open archives can be
funded in a variety of ways.

    - Branding issues: Essential quality control and certification need
not be sacrificed.

    - IP issues: Desirable protection of intellectual property need not
be sacrificed.

What other important reasons have I neglected?

Jim Till
University of Toronto

Tim Brody
Computer Science, University of Southampton
email: tdb...@soton.ac.uk
Web: http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~tdb198/

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