on Fri, 14 Dec 2001 Stevan Harnad <har...@cogprints.soton.ac.uk> wrote:
> On Thu, 13 Dec 2001, Andrew Odlyzko wrote:
> > In general, I agree that to operate the way APS does, it costs around
> > $800-$1500 per article.  However, that does not preclude less expensive
> > modes of operation, either with lower quality, or with shifting some
> > of the explicit financial costs that APS incurs into hidden subsidies
> > from editors and the like.
> And there may be even more natural ways for covering the remaining
> costs if they are partitioned in a more appropriate way for the new
> media (as a SERVICE fee for an outgoing submitted draft instead of an
> access fee for an incoming PRODUCT):
>     "4.  Whereas all refereed research should be fully accessible
>     on-line without cost to all would-be users worldwide, it is
>     nevertheless not altogether costless to produce. The main change is
>     that dissemination and archiving cost incomparably less on-line
>     than on-paper and hence the on-line dissemination/archiving costs
>     per article effectively shrink to zero.
>     http://www.arl.org/sparc/pubs/enews/aug01.html#6

        You can claim to save only 9 cents per article with 
        online distribution! 

        More than that was probably spent on equipment, 
        software, and the cost of paper and printing.

        King, McDonald and Roder estimated the pre-Internet 
        costs of U S science journals. They put per-article 
        prerun costs at $1050 in 1977; runoff costs were 
        1981. p. 218-219]

Albert Henderson

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