On Thu, 20 Dec 2001, Thomas J. Walker wrote:

> Why hasn't APS offered its authors, at a fair price...
> the service of posting an
> author's APS-formatted article on arXiv?...
> [Authors can already post the APS-formatted version on their own home
> pages, but as Andrew Odlyzko has documented, _any_ impediment to access
> reduces the use of information...

With the advent of OAI-compliant University Eprint Archives
it no longer makes any difference whatsoever, in terms of visibility or
access, and hence usage and impact, whether authors self-archive in a
central disciplinary Eprint Archive, like ArXiv or CogPrints, or in
their own institutional "home" Eprint Archives. Thanks to
OAI-compliance, all the papers in all those archives are interoperable,
hence harvestable into single global "virtual archives" such as ARC

Stevan Harnad

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