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List-Post: goal@eprints.org
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 11:11:54 EST
From: digital-copyri...@nova.umuc.edu
To: CIP's Digital Copyright Listserv <digital-copyri...@nova.umuc.edu>
Subject: DIGITAL-COPYRIGHT digest 46

                            DIGITAL-COPYRIGHT Digest 46

Topics covered in this issue include:

  8) FW: Advice to a University Copyright Officer
        by Jenny Pickles <jpick...@emeraldinsight.com>

To members of the list

As an electronic journal publisher, predominantly in the management field,
may we respond to the concerns raised by Stevan and his correspondent with a
few comments on how we have amended our own policy on copyright transfer
specifically to address these issues.

We certainly agree that whilst we require copyright assignment to enable us
to continue to fully develop our electronic products to achieve maximum
dissemination of our authors' work, "the author should retain as many rights
as possible".

Our Authors' Charter  www.emeraldinsight.com/charter/index.htm
sets out in detail the benefits which we believe our authors have the right
to expect by choosing to publish in an Emerald journal. It states:

 " Emerald (trading name of MCB UP Ltd) seeks to retain copyright of the
articles it publishes, without the author giving up their rights to use
their own material. Authors are not required to seek Emerald's permission to
re-use their own work..."

Assignment of copyright " does NOT, in any way, restrict your right to:
* Republish your article in another journal or as a book chapter
* Reproduce your article by photocopying for course notes or promotional
* Reproduce your article by electronic means or on the Internet (subject to
acknowledgement of first publication details).

Emerald never charges its authors for re-use of any of their own published
works. Authors are requested to cite the original publication source of
their work - but are not required to seek Emerald's permission with regard
to the personal re-use of their work."

Further, not only do we inform authors that they retain the right to post
their peer-reviewed published articles on the Web, but we offer to provide
the pdf file to facilitate the process and enable them to promote their work
to best effect via their free membership of the Literati Club
www.emeraldinsight.com/literaticlub/index.htm  We know from feedback from
our own author community that they really appreciate Emerald's activities on
their behalf to ensure the widest possible readership for their work in
return for assigning their copyright to us. For example:

*       Our very liberal subscription licenses are very well received by
subscribing libraries as are
*       Librarians' support services via Library Link.
*       We are also working to form partnerships with reputable third party
organisations.  For example, with professional membership associations to
enable them to provide access to the most appropriate content, in the most
cost effective ways, as an alternative to traditional journal subscriptions
for the benefit of their members. www.emerald-partnerships.com

In terms of pre-print promotion of an authors' work, and in the interests of
providing open access to ongoing research, we have invested significantly in
the development of the Emerald Internet Research Register which we make
freely available worldwide, both for researchers to register their work and
to view the work of others.

In addition to summarising his or her ongoing research on the register, the
author's individual record has the facility to include links to project Web
Sites, working papers, conference presentations, related research projects
etc.  Moreoever, the record can be updated by the author at any stage to
link to the definitive published work if they wish (or summary thereof, if
they do not have the permission to link to a non Emerald publication). If
the publication is a book a link can be established directly to the
publishers' Web site or Amazon.com as applicable.

At Emerald we have attempted to go even further by seeking to address the
somewhat contentious issue in journal publishing,  as Stevan implies,
relating to the equitable re-distribution (or otherwise) of royalty revenues
received by publishers from Reproduction Rights Organisations.

Emerald has chosen to establish its own Research Fund, for the benefit of
its author community, from a proportion of the funds it receives from the
Publishers' Licensing Society each year for photocopying of our journals.
We believe that this enables us to to provide just such an equitable
redistribution, directly to those who created the content which generated
these funds, but in sizeable enough cheques to make a meaningful
contribution to the futherance of scholarly knowledge - which after all is
something which we all wish to encourage.

Despite the significant drop in anticipated revenue last year as a result of
the Copyright Tribunal, Emerald will honour its promise to its authors and
our Annual Literati Club Awards Celebration at Lord's Cricket Ground on
April 11, 2002 will see the presentation of the first Emerald Research
Awards.  Please watch out further announcments then.

We appreciate that there will be some stakeholders who will still disagree
with aspects of our policy, but all in all, we are very proud of our
copyright policy and have worked hard to try and make it as author friendly
as it is possible to be within the normal constraints of any commercially
run business.

However, our policy development remains an interative process and as such we
value the opportunity to receive constructive feedback and comments from
list members.   Indeed, we would be happy to discuss any of these issues in
more detail either via the list or face to face.

Best wishes

Jenny Pickles
on behalf of the Emerald's Copyright Taskforce.

Jenny Pickles
New Business Development Manager
Copyright Representative
60-62 Toller Lane
West Yorkshire

Tel:     +44 1274 785087
Fax:    +44 1274 785201
Email:   jpick...@emeraldinsight.com

Professional Associations - Like to improve the benefits package you
offer your members?  Contact us to see how we can help.


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