Stevan's key message concerning libraries is not prominent in his reply,
so perhaps it would be useful if I, as a librarian, were to highlight it:

> Open access will solve the Libraries serial crisis. Publishers'
> current profit-margins are irrelevant to the means of attaining open
> access. So are (putative) declines in refereeing standards, and so are
> current university performance assessment criteria.

Stevan , however, should beware of
> ... the words of Keats: "That is all... ye need to know."
I would refrain from quoting this particular poem (or author) in this
context, as the anti-intellectualism implied, however appealing,
is not what our duller activities in scholarship are about

>Stevan Harnad

David Goodman
Research Librarian and
Biological Sciences Bibliographer
Princeton University Library            609-258-7785

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