Lee, I found this an absolutely wonderful piece of news!

Just to make sure, does this mean that CiteSeer will serve
OAI-compliant metadata for all the papers it has harvested on the net?
Plus for the ones it found through referencing or other means (but
without full text)?  And that it will be a registered data provider at

This would be something fantastic for Computer
Science. Congratulations!

By the way, one thing I would love to see in CiteSeer are some
graphics and statistics which would inform about the evolution of the
data base, something like the page


Harnad has pointed out. Is there something similar for CiteSeer? I
also would love to know how many papers in CiteSeer have their full
text available. I looked at the statistics page


but did not find these data. Do they exist somewhere?

Regards, Imre Simon

: Date:    Wed, 30 Oct 2002 18:25:33 -0500
: From:    Lee Giles <gi...@ist.psu.edu>
: Subject: Re: How many papers are there in the OAI-compliant archives?
: We hope to bring all of CiteSeer in compliance soon; maybe by the end of
: the year.
: Lee

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