>>> har...@ecs.soton.ac.uk 20/11/02 20:43:49 >>>
On Wed, 20 Nov 2002 agrimw...@the-scientist.com wrote:

>   Scholarly Publishers Aim to Woo Librarians Away From
>   Self-Published Research
>   By SCOTT CARLSON (Chronicle of Higher Education)
>   ...The [publishers'] campaign aims, in
>   part, to quash a newfound enthusiasm among some librarians for
>   self-publishing research results online, a practice that lets
>   scholars bypass academic journals that many researchers say
>   are too slow and too costly.

Ah me, what unremitting confusion!

(1) Researchers are not self-PUBLISHING, they are self-ARCHIVING their
research, both before (preprints) and after publishing it in
peer-reviewed journals (postprints).

You may consider that the posting of a pre-print is self-archiving rather than 
self-publishing and you are perfectly entitled to argue for your distinction.  
I appreciate your views on copyright etc. but it might be mentioned that  s.175 
of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 states quite clearly that:
" ... "publication", in relation to a work-- 

(a) means the issue of copies to the public, and 
(b) includes, in the case of a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work, 
making it available to the public by means of an electronic retrieval system; 
and related expressions shall be construed accordingly."
Quite clearly, whatever distinctions you wish to make, it would seem that the 
mounting of a literary work on a pre-print server constitutes "publishing" in 
law, since a literary work is being made available to the public by means of an 
electronic retrieval system.  It seems to me that this is quite an important 
point.  In a purely legal sense the work is "published" and certain 
consequences inevitably flow from that fact.
Laurence W. Bebbington
Law Librarian
Information Services
The University of Nottingham
University Park

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