Actually, it is pretty difficult for individual authors to pursue
plagiarists, whereas in my experience journal publishers both can and do
(often via their contacts with the publishers of the offending journals).  I
don't think publishers' *willingness* to do so has anything at all to do
with copyright ownership;  however, their *ability* to act immediately and
decisively, in the courts if absolutely necessary, is strengthened by
copyright ownership, as Martin Blume convincingly pointed out at the last
Zwolle Group conference


Sally Morris, Secretary-General
Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers
South House, The Street, Clapham, Worthing, West Sussex BN13 3UU, UK

Phone:  01903 871686 Fax:  01903 871457 E-mail:
ALPSP Website

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stevan Harnad" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2003 1:00 AM
Subject: Re: Learned Society Publisher's Comment on PLoS/Sabo

> On Sat, 19 Jul 2003, Patrick Brown wrote:
> > On Saturday, July 19, 2003, at 08:07 AM, Stevan Harnad wrote:
> >
> >sh> The Sabo act is indeed a bit flaky on copyright. Copyright protection
> >sh> against plagiarism (theft-of-authorship) and text-corruption will of
> >sh> course have to be maintained. But this has nothing whatsoever to do
> >sh> with toll-access publishers' use of copyright as protection against
> >sh> piracy (theft-of-text).
> >
> > Copyright protection has never been used as a defense against
> > plagiarism of scientific and scholarly work published in research
> > journals.
> "Never" is probably overstating it, but I am sure that journals have
> rarely gone after plagiarists, partly because research plagiarism is
> rare, and partly because, as I noted, their main interest is in
> copyright protection against theft-of-text, not theft-of-authorship.
> But I do think that research authors need and want protection from
> theft-of-authorship, as well as from text-corruption (reproduction of
> altered text).
> > The disincentive to those who would be tempted to plagiarize
> > is not the law but very effective and clear community standards of
> > behavior.
> But the fact that it also happens to be illegal helps. (And the way to
> win researchers over to the benefits of open access is not by awakening
> their fears of plagiarism.)
> > Exposure of an act of plagiarism ruins the perpetrator's
> > reputations and almost inevitably costs them their grant support and
> > their jobs.
> I agree. And I would even add that it is mostly a victimless crime.
> (Important research's priority is immediately and widely known;
> unimportant research is less worth worrying about. I am not the victim
> if you take my papers and publish them as your own in some obscure
> journal in order to get tenure or funding at some uninformed
> institution. At worst, the victim is the duped institution, not me.)
> But authors nevertheless don't like the prospect of plagiarism, and
> there is no reason *whatsoever* to couple open-access with any lesser
> legal protection against plagiarism than that afforded by copyright
> law.
> > The classic academic plagiarism involves stealing work
> > from an obscure publication, and often publishing it in an equally
> > obscure publication, so that the risk of detection is minimized.  There
> > could be no better protection than to have immediate, easy free online
> > access to an authoritative copy of the original work, from a trusted
> > source.
> I agree 100%. Open access maximizes the likelihood of detection. But now,
> when we are still trying to allay the research community's prima facie
> hesitancy about open access, a time when open access is already long
> overdue, but definitiely not yet upon us -- this is *not* the time to
> reinforce their worries that open access might come at the cost of a loss
> of legal protection against plagiarism and corruption of their texts!
> > Copyright, to the extent that it is used to restrict access
> > (and for most online academic journals, proscribe independent users
> > from automatic searching and indexing of the text), protects
> > plagiarizers from being detected.
> Copyright, when it is used for (publisher) protection against
> theft-of-text, does the refereed-research community no good
> whatsoever, diminishing both research impact *and* the detectability
> of plagiarism. But the remedy for that is *open access*, i.e., freedom
> from access-tolls -- and not freedom from copyright-protection against
> theft-of-authorship (plagiarism)!
>     5. PostGutenberg Copyright Concerns
> Stevan Harnad
> NOTE: A complete archive of the ongoing discussion of providing open
> access to the peer-reviewed research literature online is available at
> the American Scientist September Forum (98 & 99 & 00 & 01 & 02 & 03):
>                             or
> Discussion can be posted to:

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