A collection of papers describing applications of the Open Archives
Initiative appear in the latest issue of Serials (Volume 16 Number 3,
November 2003)

The articles are listed below with urls for open access versions where known:
- Kathryn Toledano, Scholarly communication and OAI - what are the issues
for journal publishers?
- Bill Hubbard, SHERPA and institutional repositories
- Susan Ashworth, The DAEDALUS Project
- Steve Hitchcock at al., The impact of OAI-based search on access to
research journal papers
(due to a subbing error the published version contains an error in the
abstract; this version is correct)
- Elizabeth Gadd, IPR issues facing open access

Steve Hitchcock
IAM Group, School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton SO17 1BJ,  UK
Email: sh...@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Tel:  +44 (0)23 8059 3256     Fax: +44 (0)23 8059 2865

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