On Thu, 8 Jan 2004, Stevan Harnad wrote [in part]:

>[sh]> If you have the money to publish *one* article in
>[sh]> PLoS ($1500) you have more than enough money to set
>[sh]> up at least one eprint archive. (Kepler OAI
>[sh]> "archivelets" might be an even cheaper solution:
>[sh]> http://www.dlib.org/dlib/april01/maly/04maly.html ).

I did set up, in June 2001, the original version of a Kepler
archivelet. However, the original Kepler Search Service,
where my eprints were cached, is no longer supported by the
research group at Old Dominion University. So, the stability
of the server that supported the archivelet did become an

FYI, the current home page for Kepler is at:

At the bottom of this page is a link labeled:
"What happened to the previous version of Kepler?",

If one follows this link, the page obtained includes this

"The first version of Kepler as described in D-Lib Magazine
7(4) is no longer functioning. Users of old Kepler are urged
to upgrade to the new archivelet. The publications that were
previously uploaded via old Kepler are available in the test
group section."

There's a link to the "test group", but clicking on it has
yielded, on several occasions, only a 404 (not available)
error message.

So, my experiment with the first version of Kepler was an
interesting one, but I've decided not to repeat it with a
"new archivelet". One experience with instability of the
host server was enough for me.

In my previous message, I also asked for advice about
self-archiving a current eprint of mine (it's *not* about
electronic publishing, it's an invited commentary about
cancer-related electronic support groups). It's currently in
preprint form, and I'd prefer not to self-archive it until
it's in postprint form.  As I mentioned in my previous
message, I'm retaining copyright, and the right to
self-archive the postprint version (if it's accepted for
publication, after peer-review by the toll-access journal to
which it's been submitted). But, where to self-archive the

As I mentioned previously, my university has a "community"-
based eprint repository, but I'm not a member of any of the
current "communities". (BTW, the new Kepler archivelets are
also, I believe, "community"-based).

My eprint also isn't suitable for the Quantitative Biology
section of the arXiv repository. What about CogPrints?

Stevan responded:

>[sh]> Does it not look compatible with any of the following
>[sh]> existing CogPrints subject categories?
>[sh]> http://cogprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/view/subjects/
>[sh]>     * Electronic Publishing
>[sh]>           o Archives (34)
>[sh]>           o Copyright (12)
>[sh]>           o Economics (21)
>[sh]>           o Peer Review (16)

No, it doesn't. However, it does contain a section about
Internet research ethics (in the context of research
involving cancer-related electronic support groups).

So, maybe it might not be entirely ridiculous to include it
in this CogPrints subject category:

* Philosophy
   o Ethics (18)

Jim Till
University of Toronto

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