Iain Stevenson wrote:

> my point is would you be able to archive unless
> your university provided and paid for the facility?


Yes - that's the point of my parenthetical remark about 'luck' - I
have access to two appropriate thematic archives, neither of them in
any way associated with my own institution. So not only would I be
able to archive, I am able to, and I do, and I do so with, thus far, no
support at all from my university.

I realise that it would be a sorry excuse for a strategy for those in
disciplines/areas not served by thematic archives simply to wait
around for someone else to set them up, which I why I'm a keen
supporter of the setting up of institutional archives. The costs of
setting up and running such a facility are apparently very modest.
(Others are better qualified to speak to this point.)

And in many cases valuable infrastructural support is provided by the
university library of the institution in question. (See, for example, the
St Andrew's eprints archive at http://eprints.st-andrews.ac.uk/ where
library staff are available to archive papers for authors.)

Regards, David.

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