"...Each publisher could track the links that arrive at its own
    site, and would thus know which publications were linking to its own"
    CrossRef after three years Amy Brand, Director of Business Development

Couldn't this citation tracking-functionality be used to allow high
profile journals to build a business model based on usage and research
impact (i.e. the number of citations) rather than on plain, flat-rate
subscription access (that OA considerably increases research impact
and increases the number of citations has already been shown (e.g.
http://www.neci.nec.com/~lawrence/papers/online-nature01/ )?

Wouldn't such a citation based remuneration system (perhaps in addition to
some minor author-input-fees) be an incentive for high profile journals
to make the OA switch since those journals are generating a lot of this
potential currency? (Given the bundling strategy of elsevier perhaps
not the biggest ones, but at least smaller, not-for-profit high profile
journals??? they are already under some pressure due to the big deals
between the elsevier's and libraries)

Such a citation based remuneration model would link the economic value
to the research value. plus, it would provide the OAI network with very
needed and valuable quality articles (nodes) against the sciencedirects
and springerlinks.

Hoping to hear many objections...


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