Fytton Rowland wrote:

Copyright is, I believe, significantly different in the UK and the USA. In
the UK, as Iain says, copyright exists as soon as a text is written by its
author, whether it is published or not. In the USA, copyright has to be

This has not been true for many years now. See p.3 col. 2 of

In Europe there are moral rights (such as the right to be
identified as the author of your work) which remain with the author
even if
the copyright is transferred to another.

And a very sensible system this is, which the US should adopt. Giving up
ownership need not entail giving up authorship.

Christopher D. Green
Department of Psychology
York University
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M3J 1P3
e-mail: chri...@yorku.ca
phone: 416-736-5115 ext. 66164
fax: 416-736-5814

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