On Tue, Feb 10, 2004 at 01:45:33PM +0000, Suhail A. R. wrote:

> If it requires giving the publishers obscene margins through institutional
> grants to provide free access, it will still be a better system than OA as
> now no one is limited and the rich researchers are indirectly easing the
> burden on the poor. This is an equitable solution for the research
> communities, even though it allows publishers to make more money.  I see the
> movement as a new dot.com scheme to make money by playing on the emotions of
> the research community. If TA publishers are making obscene margins, that
> too is the target of OA publishers, is it not?

Dear Dr. Suhail,

In order to understand your position, I would like to know where you
work, how much your library spends on publications, and what are your
qualifications to speak for poor countries (for example those where
hospitals cannot afford a single subscription).

Thank you

Bernard Lang

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