The Web page for this meeting now contains links to all presentations.
Links in the summary report below have also been updated.

Steve Hitchcock

At 13:13 22/02/04 +0000, Stevan Harnad wrote:
Here is a very brief summary of the contributions 22 to the International
Meeting on National Policies on Open Access (OA) Provision for
University Research Output (February 19 2004, Southampton University,
Southampton UK)

(Other attendees are also invited to post their summaries!)

(1) Restrictive access policies cut readership of electronic research
journal articles by a factor of two, Michael J. Kurtz,
Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA

    This study confirmed and extended the Lawrence Effect (Nature 2001)
    which shows how much research impact is lost if articles are not
    made OA: Readership is cut in half (and 17 reads generates 1 cite,
    on average, in astrophysics).

(2) The Effect of Open Access on citation impact, Tim Brody, Intelligence
Agents Multimedia (IAM) Group, University of Southampton
Services for Open Access literature at the University of Southampton,
Tim Brody, IAM Group, University of Southampton

    This study further confirmed and extended the Lawrence Effect (Nature
    2001) for several areas of Physics, including strong correlations
    between downloads("reads") and subsequent citations.

(3) Introduction and Open Access primer, Steve Hitchcock,
Southampton University

    Explained the focus of the meeting: Developing national and
    institutional Open Access Provision policies

(4) Welcome, Adam Wheeler, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Southampton

    History of scholarly/scientific communication and publication up to
    the Open Access era.

(5) Open Archive Initiatives and research infrastructure in
Australia, John Shipp, University of Sydney, and Colin Steele,
Australian National University

    Summary of the very active national promotion of OA in Australia,
    including institutional self-archiving of articles as well as

(6) Impact of OA on science in developing countries (including a report on
the recent World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) meeting),
Barbara Kirsop, Electronic Publishing Trust for Development

    Summary of OA developments in Developing Countries, describing
    how OA helps both in providing access to articles from Developed
    countries and in providing access to (and hence visibility and
    impact for) articles from Developing countries. Stressed the need
    for institutional self-archiving policies worldwide.

(7) DAREnet: access to Dutch scientific results, Leo Waaijers, SURF/DARE

    Summary of very active DARE programme in the Netherlands:
    Institutional self-archiving and many other OA-related projects.

(8) Achieving open access to UK research: the work of the Joint Information
Systems Committee, Fred Friend, University College London

    Summary of JISC projects supporting OA.

(9) OA: A Canadian update, Tim Mark, Canadian Association of Research

    Canadian Library initiatives.

(10) Open Access: The French Approach, Francis Andre, CNRS/INIST [document,
author unable to present on the day]

    French OA initiatives at CERN and INSERM national institutes in
    raising researcher awareness to the importance and benefits of

(11) Status report on OA in Germany, Theresa Velden, ZIM in the Max Planck

    The Berlin Declaration and further OA initiatives at the Max-Planck

(12) The OA situation in Norway, Jostein Hauge, Bergen University Library

    Summary of active and ambitious national institutional self-archiving
    programme in Norway as well as further OA developments in the other
    Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Finland, Denmark).

(13) (brief presentation) Mark Thorley, NERC, on Research Councils
UK position from their submission to the House of Commons Science &
Technology (S&T) Committee enquiry into scientific publications

    Research Council interest in OA (and caution that the UK Parliamentary
    Committee is merely advisory, not legislative).

(14) (brief presentation) Bruce Royan, on evidence from the Chartered
Institute of Library and Information Professionals to the S&T Committee

    Strong statement supporting OA Provision by The Chartered Institute
    of Library and Information Professionals

(15) (brief presentation) Prue Backway, DTI, for report on OECD
Declaration On Access To Research Data From Public Funding. Related link:
OECD Declaration,2340,en_2649_34487_25998799_1_1_1_1,00.html

    OECD Support for Data-Archiving (and perhaps also Article-Archiving?).

(16) From e-Science to Publication@Source, Jeremy Frey and Mike
Hursthouse, Southampton University (large file 3.0MB)

    Strong case for data self-archiving (chemistry) in the context
    of the EScience Grid.

(17) OA and the Arts and Humanities, Michael Jubb, Arts and
Humanities Research Board

    Suggestion that research monograph is more important in
    humanities research publication than the research journal,
    and that OA provision for humanities research articles is
    less advanced than in science.

(18) OA: A funder's perspective, Robert Terry, The Wellcome Trust (large file 3.7MB)

    The Wellcome Trust's support for Open Access Provision
    for the outcomes of its funded research.

(19) (brief presentation) Peter Murray-Rust, Cambridge University,
on authors'/scientists' views

   The importance of access and re-using data in research databases.

(20) (brief presentation) Neil Jacobs, Bristol University, on
organisations' accountability requirements and ensuring that open archives
make these easier to fulfilfil

   OA Archives need to be well organised and tagged.

(21) A case study of the economic impact of OA on a university,
Donald W. King, University of Pittsburgh

   Important data on the relationship between access and usage from
   a long-time analyst of reading and citing habits of scholars and
   scientists. Strong support for the "green" road of institutional

(22) Publish or perish: Self-archive to flourish, Stevan Harnad,
Southampton University [presentation slides]

    Universities and research funders need to extend the
    publish-or-perish mandate to now include open-access provision.

(23) Outcomes and wrap up Colin Steele and Stevan Harnad
Discussion on strategy, implementation and the way forward for
Open Access

    Recommendations from the floor on ways to promote OA self-archiving
    by institutions and their researchers.

Stevan Harnad

Steve Hitchcock
IAM Group, School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton SO17 1BJ,  UK
Tel:  +44 (0)23 8059 3256     Fax: +44 (0)23 8059 2865

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