What appears below is an exchange with Richard Poynder in Information Today (IT). It begins with my own comments on RP's April 1 article. Richard's response co-appeared with these in IT May 3, along with a new article. My subsequent comments (unpublished) on both his response and his new article then follow. Richard is an OA-friendly, knowledgeable journalist. Some of my comments are about points where I think he is in error; some of them are about points where others whose views he is reporting are (in my view) in error:
-------- Richard Poynder, The Inevitable and the Optimal Information Today, April 1, 2004. http://www.infotoday.com/it/apr04/poynder.shtml ACCELERATING THE TRANSITION TO THE OPTIMAL AND INEVITABLE Stevan Harnad In the Internet age, open access (OA) has indeed become optimal and inevitable. It remains only to make it actual! In an article that is largely on target, Richard Poynder notes that there are two ways to provide OA: (1) publishing articles in OA journals and (2) publishing them in conventional journals but self-archiving them publicly on the web as well. The UK Select Committee has so far ignored (2), even though (2) is providing and can provide far more immediate OA. But then Richard adds: RP: "[I]f governments truly want to help, they need to also ensure that scholarly communication does not break down in the process of transition... Self-archiving... is the fastest growing form of [OA]... with or without publisher approval. At the same time... the library community is voting with its feet by aggressively cutting journal subscriptions... The danger is that these growing acts of civil protest could, in the short term, exacerbate the crisis. For if research institutions and universities cancel more and more journal subscriptions and open access publishing cannot immediately fill the gap, those in need of research may find themselves having to sift through a hodgepodge of (frequently unrefereed) self-archived material... This is unfortunately a non sequitur! There is no civil protest and no prospect of a breakdown! Self-archiving one's own articles is perfectly legal, has been growing since at least 1991, and already has the official "green light" from close to 60% of publishers, all eager to demonstrate that although they may not wish to lower their prices, nor to take the risk of converting to OA publishing, they have no wish to be seen as blocking what is optimal and inevitable for research and researchers. But the optimal and inevitable is OA, not necessarily lower journal prices or OA publishing! http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Temp/Romeo/romeo.html Although it was the library community and its journal budget crisis that first brought the research-access problem to the research community's attention, the journal-pricing problem and the research-access problem are not the same problem! Libraries cannot cancel journals unless their users no longer need access to them. OA publishing (1) grows journal by journal. But OA self-archiving (2) grows anarchically, article by article. So it is not at all clear whether and when libraries can cancel any particular journal; yet the research community's access problem keeps shrinking as OA grows. Nor is there a hodgepodge to worry about: OA means open access to the article; that is what authors self-archive. They may also self-archive the unrefereed preprint, and later revisions, and other things too, but the measure of the amount of OA there is at any given point is the percentage of the annual 2.5 million articles (published in the world's 24,000 peer-reviewed journals) that are openly accessible on the web: currently 5% through (1) being published in OA journals http://www.doaj.org/ and about 20% (2) through being self-archived, much of it accessible through the "google" of the OA literature, OAIster: http://oaister.umdl.umich.edu/o/oaister/ One can speculate about hypothetical transition scenarios, and I and others have (Harnad 1997, 2001), but there is nothing either speculative or hypothetical about what is needed now, which is a systematic policy on the part of universities and research institutions worldwide to provide OA for all their journal article output. A JISC survey (Swan & Brown 2004) "asked authors to say how they would feel if their employer or funding body required them to deposit copies of their published articles in one or more... repositories. The vast majority... said they would do so willingly." That is what the UK Select Committee should be worrying about building up (not about a counterfactual breakdown), if we are all to reach the optimal and inevitable while we are still compos mentis and able to benefit from it! http://www.eprints.org/signup/sign.php -------- On May 4 Richard Poynder replied. http://www.infotoday.com/it/may04/letters.shtml [My unpublished comments are interpolated with his reply below:] RP: I thank Stevan for his comments. My understanding is that Stevan believes OA could be adequately achieved if researchers self-archived their published papers and publishers downsized to a peer-review role only. I doubt this is a likely scenario. [No, I think OA would be *fully* achieved if researchers self-archived all their published articles, right now. (The downsizing is just speculation about the possible sequel.) Hence it is not clear what it is that RP is doubting here. The first prediction is a certainty: (1) 100% self-archiving *will certainly* provide 100% OA. The second is a speculation: (2) 100% OA *might* lead to publisher downsizing: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200304/cmselect/cmsctech/399/399we152.htm The important question is *when* will the research community at last understand that it is needlessly losing precious research impact daily until it goes ahead and provides 100% OA to its own articles? Speculations about how the publication system might adjust to this afterward are far, far less important and urgent then getting it to happen sooner rather than later.] RP: Firstly, today's commercial journal publishers will surely exit the market if their profits fall dramatically, which the above scenario implies. [To repeat: OA is fully achieved if all articles are made OA by self-archiving. That is the only part that is *sure* (i.e., that 100% OA = 100% OA.) That journal profits will fall dramatically is *hypothetical*. (There is no evidence for it from self-archiving so far, even in the areas of physics where OA has already reached 100% years ago.) I could speculate that profit reduction would be likely after 100% OA is reached, but that is certainly not sure; even less sure is when OA from self-archiving will reach 100%! and hence whether/when downsizing pressure would begin to grow. That journal publishers would exit the market if profits fell dramatically is also speculation. (How dramatically? How soon? Which publishers? Some? Many? Most? All?) Only two things are certain: That (1) 100% OA is optimal and inevitable for research and researchers, and (2) that 100% OA is 100% attainable through self-archiving, now. Apart from that: "Hypothesis non fingo"!] RP: Presumably, they would be replaced by new OA publishers, but in a disjointed fashion. [Hypothesis non fingo. The only two certainties are (1) and (2). Why speculate about the possible future evolution of the peer-reviewed journal publication system in response to OA provision when (1) OA provision is a certain benefit to research and (2) providing OA is certainly in the hands of researchers?] RP: Secondly, given the significant budgetary pressures that librarians face, they will meanwhile continue to cancel journal subscriptions. [Journal cancellations have nothing to do with OA or self-archiving! They are happening because journal prices are too high and libraries can't afford them. Please don't conflate the journal affordability problem with the access/impact problem. They are not the same problem. And it is certainly not OA that is causing journal cancellations today!] RP: Self-archiving, therefore, will likely prove a temporary phenomenon, as we undergo a transition from conventional to OA publishing. [This is now purely RP's speculation, though I would agree that if/when 100% OA prevails through self-archiving, it is likely that journal publishers will eventually convert to OA publishing. Let us focus now on getting this "temporary phenomenon" to become an *actual phenomenon*! The goal, after all, is 100% OA, not hypothetical publisher conversion!] RP: During the transition, it will become more difficult for researchers to find the papers they need, since increasingly they will find themselves behind a subscription firewall. [Here not only do I disagree (100%), but I am even puzzled that RP is saying this. Papers are behind a subscription firewall *now* (just as cancellations are going on *now*). As OA increases with self-archiving papers will be *decreasingly* behind a subscription firewall and *increasingly* easy to find (thanks in part to OAI interoperability). I have no idea where RP came up with these predictions, both contrary to fact and to logic!] RP: The papers may also be "out there somewhere" on the Web, but finding them could be challenging. [It is not at all challenging to find OAI-compliant papers on the web today (see OAIster http://oaister.umdl.umich.edu/o/oaister/ ) and in some cases it is easy to find the non-OAI-compliant ones too (see citeseer http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/cis ). And surely RP has seen the announcements of how google and its collaborators are working to make this still easier? And surely as OA content increases to 100% this can only get still easier! So what is this "challenge" RP has in mind? (other than the challenge of getting more articles self-archived, hence OA)] RP: Valuable as services like OAIster are, they cannot (yet) match products like ScienceDirect -- particularly given the varied nature of the content. OAIster today covers just 277 institutions and publishes a warning about duplicate items and dead links. [All true, but OAIster's main difference from ScienceDirect is that it has as yet far less than 20% of the articles published yearly! The duplicate items, dead links and variegated contents are *not* the problem! It is the absence of 80% of the articles that is the problem that needs to be remedied! Self-archiving them, now, is the solution.] RP: The challenge, therefore, will lie in managing the transition, which is why the Select Committee would do well to discuss self-archiving. [Well, I can't disagree about the need to discuss self-archiving, but the "transition" that needs to be managed is the actual transition from c. 20% OA to 100% OA (i.e., the optimal/inevitable), not the hypothetical transition from non-OA to OA publishing!] RP: With regard to the legality of researchers self-archiving papers where copyright has been assigned to the publisher and permission to self-archive unforthcoming from that publisher, Stevan is probably referring to the "pre-print/corrigenda" strategy. I doubt any publisher would sue, but I am not aware that this has been tested in the courts. [No, I am referring to the Romeo Policy Table of publishers/journals that have already given their official green light to self-archiving: The percentage of green (self-archiving-friendly) publishers rose from 42% to 58% from 2003 to 2004, and the percentage of green journals rose from 55% to 83%! So let's not worry about hypothetical lawsuits and instead applaud the publishers, who are demonstrating their support for the research community's expressed need and desire for OA. It is now time for the research community to stop insisting on publishers' immediate conversion to "gold" (OA) publishing, and to take them up on going green! And it is time for the library community to stop conflating the journal affordability problem with the research access/impact problem, and to support OA self-archiving as fervently as they support OA publishing! Time to stop fussing about counterfactual speculations and start acting upon the facts!] http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Temp/self-archiving_files/Slide0036.gif http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Temp/self-archiving_files/Slide0037.gif RP: I think many researchers do view self-archiving as a form of civil protest. Based on public statements from libraries like Harvard, Cornell, and Stanford, many librarians clearly see journal subscription cancellation in that light. [The researchers who do not *do* self-archiving may see it as civil protest, but the ones who are *doing* it (some for over a decade now) see it simply as the natural way to maximize the impact of their research in the web age, by maximizing access to it. Librarians are certainly cancelling journals to protest high prices, but that is ordinary market pressure -- supply and demand -- not "civil protest." Nor does it have anything whatsoever to do with OA!] RP: Indeed, librarians will be puzzled by Stevan's assertion that they cannot cancel journals unless their users no longer need access. They may also resist his claim that the journal-pricing problem is separate from the research-access problem. I fear that the greatest casualty of the scholarly publishing crisis will be the traditional goodwill between librarians and academics. [Librarians can certainly cancel journals if they can't afford them or don't want to, and they are doing so, and have been for years. So that clearly cannot be what I meant above! What I meant was that if librarians wish to cancel journals *because their contents have become 100% openly accessible*, they will not *know* when that threshold has been reached for some time to come because self-archiving grows anarchically, article by article, not journal by journal. "The Green Road to Open Access: A Leveraged Transition" http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Hypermail/Amsci/3378.html http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Temp/greenroad.html Librarians will undoubtedly (and deservedly) get the historic credit for having alerted the academic community to both the journal affordability problem *and* the access/impact problem (the two are not entirely unrelated). Many, many librarians have also been invaluable allies -- and in some cases the prime movers -- in the OA movement. I hope it does not betoken an absence of appreciation or of good will to *also* point out that *some* librarians have been so preoccupied with problems other than OA (such as journal affordability, electronic preservation, intellectual property rights) that they have mistakenly conflated them with OA -- to the disadvantage of both. We need to disentangle these crossed wires -- but I hope we can do it in a good-natured way, preserving the good will that should prevail between these two gentle and interdependent communities (librarians and academics)!] -------- Now a few excerpts from Richard's latest article. In it, some confusion arose because of the (common, regrettable) conflation between OA itself and OA publishing (the "golden road to OA") in particular. "U.K. Academics and Librarians Disagree Over Open Access Publishing" Information Today May 3 http://www.infotoday.com/newsbreaks/nb040503-3.shtml RP: "Much of the discussion revolved around OA (Open Access) publishing. OA, said [Fred] Friend, is an appropriate response to the current monopolistic environment." [Here we once again see the familiar double-conflation: (a) OA with OA publishing, and (b) OA with the journal pricing problem. The access/impact problem is *not* the same as the journal pricing problem, and it would *not* solve the access/impact problem even if all 24,000 journals were being sold *at cost*! Even then, most universities could still not afford access to most journals, not all would-be users could access all articles, and their potential research impact would continue being needlessly lost. Lower ("nonmonopolistic") journal prices would solve the journal pricing problem, but only 100% OA will solve the access/impact problem. It is this double conflation that sometimes prevents even OA-savvy librarians like FF from giving their full support to OA self-archiving too (often subsuming it instead, if not under the pricing agenda, then under the preservation agenda, with which it likewise has almost nothing to do!) or even from quite understanding what OA self-archiving is about, or for!] RP: "The problem, [FF] later explained, is that those who pay for the journals (librarians) are not the people who make the buying decisions (academics). Since OA requires that researchers pay to be published" [Again, the OA/OA-publishing conflation: It is not *OA* that requires researchers to pay, it is *OA publishing*! OA is about access and impact, not about journal pricing.] RP:" When academics were called it was apparent they viewed things differently. David Williams, professor of tissue engineering at the University of Liverpool, was critical of OA, and disputed there was a crisis." [There is no *crisis* for academics! To claim there is a crisis is again to conflate the access/impact problem with the journal affordability problem (aka the "serials budget crisis"). They are not the same problem (and though there are some causal connections, they are weak ones, not substantial ones). For academics the problem is that a newfound, web-based opportunity to maximize the impact of their research by maximising access to it is being *lost*, even though it is fully within reach. Most academics are not yet even aware of this new opportunity. They think they are "sitting pretty," indeed better off, not worse, since the advent of the Web (as indeed they are): http://www.eprints.org/self-faq/#29.Sitting They haven't the faintest idea that they are needlessly and avoidably losing dramatic quantities of potential research impact. http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Temp/self-archiving_files/Slide0025.gif So what the OA community needs to do (and is doing) is to provide hard empirical evidence of how dramatically OA enhances impact: http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Temp/impact.html And this evidence must also be applied to university publish-or-perish policies, updating them to mandate OA provision for all journal article publications, so as to maximizing their impact by ensuring that all would-be users worldwide have access to them: http://www.eprints.org/signup/sign.php RP: "While supportive of self-archiving, Nigel Hitchin, professor of mathematics at the University of Oxford, was also doubtful about OA publishing... The only academic to support OA was professor James Crabbe" [Yet again, the conflation of OA and OA publishing: Nigel too was supporting OA, in supporting self-archiving! In fact, OA self-archiving provides far more OA than OA publishing -- at least 3-10 times as much, according to various estimates. But far more important, it could be providing at least 83% (Romeo) and closer to 100% OA -- once academics and their institutions become apprised of the empirical facts (about OA and impact) and the immediate technical possibilities. RP: In short, academics were skeptical about OA publishing. Outside the committee room, critics complained that, in their choice of whom to call, politicians had shown a bias towards publishers. [Academics are mostly not skeptical but *uninformed* about OA, access and impact. There was not so much a bias toward conventional publishers on the part of the UK Committee (the baseline proportions -- 23,000 non-OA to 1000 OA journals -- already see to that) as there was a bias toward seeing OA as OA publishing and seeing the OA problem as the journal affordability problem. This too is a matter of being uninformed: The remedy is again facts, the objective data, plus a little logical reflection.] Stevan Harnad NOTE: A complete archive of the ongoing discussion of providing open access to the peer-reviewed research literature online (1998-2004) is available at the American Scientist Open Access Forum: To join the Forum: http://amsci-forum.amsci.org/archives/American-Scientist-Open-Access-Forum.html Post discussion to: american-scientist-open-access-fo...@amsci.org Hypermail Archive: http://www.cogsci.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Hypermail/Amsci/index.html Unified Dual Open-Access-Provision Policy: BOAI-2 ("gold"): Publish your article in a suitable open-access journal whenever one exists. http://www.earlham.edu/~peters/fos/boaifaq.htm#journals BOAI-1 ("green"): Otherwise, publish your article in a suitable toll-access journal and also self-archive it. http://www.eprints.org/self-faq/ http://www.soros.org/openaccess/read.shtml http://www.eprints.org/signup/sign.php