Prior Amsci Threads:

    "Australia gives $12 million to support open access"

    "University policy mandating self-archiving of research output"




...Scholar Google are working with the National Library of Australia
to test OAI harvesting from the government-funded ARROW Discovery


...ARROW is still in development mode. Marking OAI-retrieved articles
with an asterisk should be a cinch, or a separate service (less useful).

Public comment, since posted to ozeprints. ADT=Australian Digital Theses
(not OAI compliant), NLA=National Library of Australia.


Arthur Sale
127 Tranmere Road, Howrah, Tasmania 7018, AUSTRALIA
Phone (03) 6247 1331 (International replace '(03)' by '+61-3-') or Mobile 04
1947 1331

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> Sent: Monday, 29 November 2004 09:27
> To: ePrint mail list
> Subject: RE: Google Scholar results
> [...]
> The NLA has been running an experiment with Google in the use of the
> OAI-PMH. We have opened up our own digital collections manager
> (containing digitised content and records) to Google for harvesting
> using OAI-PMH. This is working quite well, so we plan to make our larger
> services, such as PictureAustralia with 1.3 million records, available in
> the same way in 2005.
> We have also started harvesting records from institutional repositories,
> some of which describe ADT theses, as part of the ARROW project.
> However, our harvester can be adapted to harvest from any OAI-compliant
> repository.
> We hope to be able to add all ADT records through the same harvesting
> process soon, and in turn will be able to make all records available to
> Google as we have for own content. This should be more efficient than
> each institution having to register separately.
> Debbie Campbell
> Director, Coordination Support Branch
> National Library of Australia
> Parkes Place
> Canberra ACT 2600
> Australia
> em:;  ph: +61 2 6262 1673;  fx: +61 2 6273 2545
> Australia's Research Online

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