Congratulations to the University of Southampton. We
have always enjoyed reading the powerful writings of
Stevan Hranad and we (at the M S Swaminathan Research
Foundation in Chennai, India) had the privilege of
having Les Carr for a whole week early this year when
he conducted two workshops on open archives using
EPrints software. We were touched by his friendly and
courteous behaviour and amazed at his commitment and
deveotion to duty.


 --- Stevan Harnad <> wrote:
> News from the University of Southampton
> Ref:    04/199                                  15
> December 2004
> University of Southampton to provide free access to
> academic research online
> The University of Southampton is to make all its
> academic and scientific research output freely
> available.
> A decision by the University to provide core funding
> for its Institutional Repository establishes it as a
> central part of its research infrastructure, marking
> a new era for Open Access to academic research in
> the UK.
> Until now, the databases used by universities to
> collect and disseminate their research output have
> been funded on an experimental basis by JISC (the
> Joint Information Systems Committee). The University
> of Southampton is the first in the UK to announce
> that it is transitioning its repository from the
> status of an experiment to an integral part of the
> research infrastructure of the institution.
> 'This decision by the University marks a real
> milestone in the Open Access initiative,' says Dr
> Leslie Carr. 'At Southampton we have a significant
> headstart since we created the EPrints software that
> is used by many UK universities, but we expect and
> indeed hope that others will soon give similar
> status to their own archives.' Dr Carr is Technical
> Director of the open source software,
> which is now used by around 150 repositories
> worldwide.
> Southampton established its repository
> ( in 2002 as part of the
> JISC TARDis project (Targeting Academic Research for
> Deposit and Disclosure), to explore issues
> surrounding the Open Access paradigm. The
> repository provides a publications database with
> full text, multimedia and research data.
> 'We see our Institutional Repository as a key tool
> for the stewardship of the University's digital
> research assets,' said Professor Paul Curran, Deputy
> Vice-Chancellor of the University. 'It will provide
> greater access to our research, as well as offering
> a valuable mechanism for reporting and recording it.
> 'The University has been committed to Open Access
> for many years. The fact that we are now supporting
> it with core funding is another tangible step
> towards its full achievement.'
> The Southampton repository will now become a service
> of the University Library in partnership with the
> University's Information Systems Services and its
> School of Electronics and Computer Science (who host
> the JISC-funded software development team).
> Acknowledging the success of the partnership between
> the Library, Information Systems Services and the
> Schools, the Librarian, Dr Mark Brown, said:
> 'Collaboration between services and academic groups
> has been the key element in the success of the
> project. The Institutional Repository will now
> become an integral part of the electronic library
> service at Southampton.'
> Ends
> Notes for Editors:
> 1. For further information on E-prints, Open Access
> and the digital libraries project, see
>, for further information on
> the Southampton repository, see
> 2. Professor Stevan Harnad, regarded by many as the
> founder of the Open Access movement, has been
> successfully leading the debate from the
> University's School of Electronics and Computer
> Science over a number of years, and has argued
> forcefully for its adoption by the academic
> community worldwide. The School of Electronics and
> Computer Science already has the most populated
> online institutional archive in the UK.
> 3. The University of Southampton is a leading UK
> teaching and research institution with a global
> reputation for leading-edge research and
> scholarship. The University has over 20,000 students
> and over 5000 staff. Its annual turnover is in the
> region of £270 million.
> For further information:
> Dr Mark Brown, Librarian, University of Southampton
> (tel.023 8059 2677; email
> Dr Les Carr, School of Electronics and Computer
> Science (tel.023 8059 4479)
> Joyce Lewis, Communications Manager, School of
> Electronics and Computer Science (tel.023 8059 5453,
> email
> -------------------------------------
> Sarah Watts
> Media Relations Manager
> University of Southampton
> Highfield
> Southampton SO17 1BJ
> Tel. +44(0)23 8059 3807
> Email

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