[Best wishes for a Happy New Year]

Institutional Open Access Archives: Leadership, Direction and Launch
25-26 January 2005 at the University of Southampton, UK

2005 is poised to be a breakthrough year for open access and, in particular,
institutional open access archives in the UK:

   - JISC is set to announce a major call for projects on Institutional
   Open Access Archives (IAs)

   - research councils in the UK are considering their next moves on
   how to make research publications open access

To help forward-thinking institutions embrace these exciting opportunities,
the University of Southampton is offering two free one-day workshops.

** Day 1 (January 25th): a practical meeting for archive administrators and
  those offering technical support for archives
  This meeting will involve hands-on practical sessions on building and
  configuring repositories and attracting content. There will also be sessions
  on integrating the role of IAs with RAE reporting, e-science, marketing,
  education and training.

** Day 2 (January 26th): a strategic meeting for Pro Vice Chancellors,
  senior librarians, archive managers and researchers
  This meeting will feature speakers from RCUK, the British Library and the
  Wellcome Trust and others who are influential in, and have key insights
  into, forthcoming UK policy developments. The day will end with a research
  colloquium (Research Repositories: The Next Ten Years) held jointly with the
  EPSRC's Advanced Knowledge Technologies IRC.

Demand for places will be high so please register now to ensure your
institution is represented at one or both of the meetings.  If you are unable
to attend, please recommend it to someone else in your team who would
be appropriate. There will be no charge for participating.

FOR FURTHER DETAILS including registration instructions, please visit the
meeting website at http://www.eprints.org/jan2005

The University of Southampton is the home of GNU EPrints software, the most
widely used software for building Institutional Repositories, and the JISC
TARDis project, which has been investigating the technical, cultural and
academic issues which surround institutional repositories.
Leslie Carr
On Behalf of GNU EPrints and JISC TARDis project teams

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