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The Facts about Open Access: Results from the ALPSP/AAAS/HighWire Study

Cara Kaufman, Co-founder of the Kaufman-Wills Group Monday 14 March 2005,
12-1pm E Content Theatre, Academic/STM wing, West Hall, Olympia, London Book
Fair 2005

Abstract: This presentation will outline, for the first time, the results of
one of the most important factual studies of Open Access which has taken
place to date. Through surveys and in-depth interviews, the researchers
investigated both the financial and the non-financial impact of different
forms of Open Access. The findings cover such key issues as the detailed
composition of the 1,325 DOAJ list of journals; the place of author-side
payments in the revenues of Open Access journals; publishers' experience
with their open access experiments; varying approaches author copyright and
permissions; and the views and opinions of a wide variety of publishers.

The study:  To help augment the slim body of factual information on the
subject, the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers,
together with the American Association for the Advancement of Science and
HighWire Press, funded a major study by Kaufman-Wills Group, LLC. The
study's objective was to determine the impact of open access on scholarly
journals' financial and non-financial factors. The study was conducted in
two parts.  In phase 1, the researchers surveyed two important groups rarely
if ever surveyed before 1) 248 'Full Open Access Journals' as listed in the
Directory of Open Access Journals; and 2) 85 'Delayed Open Access Journals'
hosted by HighWire Press and subscribing to the DC Principles. In Phase 2,
the researchers interviewed 22 non-profit and for-profit publishers of
scholarly journals of all sizes, resulting in a series of fascinating case
reports highlighting the publishers' access and business models,
experiments, perspectives, and predictions.

Speaker biography: Cara Kaufman is a co-founder of the Kaufman-Wills Group,
LLC (, a consultancy offering the scholarly publishing
community a broad spectrum of services including strategic planning,
publications development, process improvement, and market research.
Kaufman-Wills' clients include the National Academy of Sciences, the
American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Society of Clinical Oncology,
Health Affairs/Project Hope, AAAS/Science Online, and the New England
Journal of Medicine. Previously, Cara was executive director of an online
publishing service at Wolters Kluwer; publisher of scholarly periodicals
such as The Lancet and the American Heart Association journals; and
executive editor at Williams & Wilkins, developing new biomedical

This presentation is free and is part of the seminar programme in the e
Content Theatre at the London Book Fair 2005. You need a pass for LBF at

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Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers
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