Dear all,

In his very recent dlib posting, Stevan harnad is defining OA in too
constraining a fashion for me.

By limiting OA to "all refereed research journal articles", Stevan
harnad forces to look only at journals as they exist now and prevents us
from imagining other venues, other possibilities for refereeing.

I disagree strongly with this constraint.

The definition should simply aim at "refereed research results" without
excluding a priori various forms of publication that are emerging or
will emerge soon.

I know about Stevan Harnad's arguemnt that he want to stick with what
exists now. I have already dealt with this in an earlier message:
claiming to want to change and, at the same time, claiming to stick
strictly with the "what is" appears somewhat bizarre to me, to say the

The important point here is "refereed" as it marks the procedure - or
call it ritual, if you want - that clearly demarcates the scientific
communication system from the non-scientific. The status and evaluation
of scientists rests on this clearly demarcated border. However, once the
procedure is clearly identified - i.e. it is a peer-review procedure -
it can be applied to a variety of research results, whatever their
format, venue, etc...


Jean-Claude Guédon

Le mardi 15 mars 2005 à 13:07 +0000, Stevan Harnad a écrit :
> All the Powerpoint Presentations and the Videos for the Berlin 3 meeting
> are now online at:
> In addition, my own summary of this meeting and of its important
> recommendation to institutions wishing to implement the Berlin
> Declaration will appear in Dlib at 12 noon today (US Eastern Standard
> Time) at:
>     (not till noon today)
> Institutions that are already prepared to adopt the recommended
> institutional OA provision policy are invited to register their
> policy, for other institutions to consider adopting, at:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     Berlin 3 Open Access: Progress in Implementing the Berlin
>     Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and
>     Humanities Feb 28th - Mar 1st, 2005, University of Southampton, UK 
>     UK Satellite Session
>     Chair: Catherine Jones (CCLRC, UK)
>     UK Researchers OA Survey 
>     Alma Swan, Key Perspectives Ltd
>     Open Access: Developing a National Information Strategy in Scotland
>     Derek Law, University of Strathclyde
>     Open Access Institutional Repositories in UK Universities 
>     Bill Hubbard, SHERPA
>     Chair: Laurent Romary (CNRS, France)
>     Key-note address 
>     Professor Tony Hey "E-Science and Open Access"
>     Chair: Andy Gass (PLoS, USA)
>     Johannes Fournier "The DFG (German Research Foundation) 
>     study of author experience of open access"
>     Improving access to academic content: 
>     JISC working for UK teaching and research 
>     (Fred Friend and Neil Jacobs)
>     Chair: Leo Waaijers (SURF/DARE, Netherlands)
>     Francoise Vandooren - "The EU scientific publishing study"
>     Reports from delegates on implementing 
>     the Berlin Declaration in their organisations
>     The OA Policy of the Max-Planck Society, Germany (Georg Botz)
>     Eloy Rodrigues (OA Progress at U. Minho, Portugal)
>     Subbiah Arunachalam (OA Progress in India)
>     Lars Bjornshauge (OA Progress in Scandinavia)
>     Alberto Pepe (OA Progress at CERN, Switzerland)
>     Yuko Nagai (OA Progress in Japan)
>     Paola Gargiulo (OA Progress in Italy)
>     Michael Erben-Russ (Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Germany)
>     Elmar Mittler (DINI, Germany)
>     Hans Pfeiffenberger (Helmholtz Association, Germany)
>     Tanveer ul Haq (OA progress in Pakistan) [cancelled/visa-delay]
>     Chair: Francis André (INIST, France)
>     The OA Policy of Southampton University, UK: 
>     The "Keystroke" Strategy (Stevan Harnad)
>     The OA Policy of CNRS, France (Laurent Romary)
>     The OA Policy of INSERM, France (Pierre Oudet)
>     The OA Policy of CERN: Paving the Way for Complete OA 
>     (Joanne Yeomans & Jens Vigen)
>     Roadmap for implementation, latest version (Fred Friend)
>     Chair: Robert Terry (Wellcome Trust, UK)
>     Plenary discussion on implementing the roadmap 
>     Post-Conference: 
>     Open Access to Scientific Data and Publications. A tour of the robotic
>     chemistry labs at the University main campus, with a presentation on the 
> data
>     dimension of Open Access by Dr. Simon Coles, Professor Mike Hursthouse, 
> Department
>     of Chemistry, Professor Jeremy Baumberg, Department of Physics, 
> Southampton
>     University).
>     Chair: Barbara Kirsop (Electronic Publishing Trust for Development, UK)
>     Seminar by Professor Arunachalam on Indian Knowledge Villages
> Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2005 22:05:10 -0800 
> From: Andy Gass <> 
> To: 
> Subject: Re: Outcome of Berlin 3 at Southampton UK
> For your records, the powerpoint file on my computer reads:
> In order to implement the Berlin Declaration institutions should
>     1) Implement a policy to require their researchers to deposit a copy
>     of all their published articles in an open access repository.
> and
>     2) Encourage their researchers to publish their research articles
>     in open access journals where a suitable journal exists and provide
>     the support to enable that to happen.
> Visit the List Archives at:

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