At 14:03  Sat, 19 Mar 2005, Stevan wrote:

In a comment added to Richard Poynder's new online column on OA

Bill Hubbard of SHERPA

has corrected an important (though intentional!) omission from my
own summary of the outcome of the Berlin 3 conference on implementing
the Berlin Declaration:

    (b) It is institutions (not disciplines) that share with their own
    researchers a common interest in maximising the visibility, usage
    and impact of their own joint research output.

I strongly disagree. Disciplines do share with their own researchers a
common interest in maximising the visibility, usage
and impact of their research output. Progress in any discipline stands to
gain when research results are quickly shared with other researchers in
that discipline.

Lee Miller
Lee N. Miller                             phone:  (607) 255-3221
Editor Emeritus
Ecological Society of America
127 West State Street, Suite 301
Ithaca, NY  14850  USA            email:

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