Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED 
Caveats: NONE

Again, from a non-poster:  this is an excellent list: well-moderated, useful
information, wonderful people who will respond offline if a person needs a
little extra discussion and does not want to belabor the list.  Please stop
all this and get back to real, on-topic discussions. Stevan Harnad should
continue to moderate the list.   

Connie McEowen, MLS 
US Army Research Laboratory
voice: 410-278-3394
fax: 410-278-4178

-----Original Message-----
From: American Scientist Open Access Forum
[] On
Behalf Of Tony Hey
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: Call for a vote of nonconfidence in the moderator of the AmSci

I absolutely agree with Michael - the list would die without Stevan


-----Original Message-----
From: American Scientist Open Access Forum
[] On
Behalf Of Michael Eisen
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 7:26 AM
Subject: Re: Call for a vote of nonconfidence in the moderator of the AmSci

I disagree with Stevan often. He can be infuriating. He has a tendency to

Nonetheless - he has been a FANTASTIC moderator of this list. I have sent
off many posts that have criticized Stevan directly, and he has never failed
to send them to the group. I can think of no other list that has not just
lasted for 10 years, but kept up a high level of discourse and relevance.

Stevan has my complete confidence. The list would die without him.

On Oct 7, 2008, at 5:37 AM, Stevan Harnad wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 3:37 AM, 
> <> wrote:
>> I totally support Jean-Claude's view.
> I can only repeat what I said before:
> (1) I am happy to put an end to my 10-year moderatorship of the 
> American Scientist Open Access Forum and hand it over to someone else 
> who is willing to do it, but only if it is requested by a plurality of 
> the membership, not if it is merely requested by a few dissatisfied 
> members.
> (2) The moderator's role is to filter postings, approving the relevant 
> ones, and rejecting the off-topic or ad-hominem ones.
> (3) Apart from that, the moderator has no special status or authority 
> (other than what may accrue from the substance of his postings), and 
> may post *exactly* as any other poster may post, including the posting 
> of quotes, comments, critiques, elaborations, rebuttals *and 
> summaries*.
> By my count, there have not been many votes one way or the other, but 
> of the few votes there have been, more seem to be expressing 
> confidence in my moderatorship than those that are calling for me to 
> be replaced.
> I have also been accused of of censorship, by both Jean-Claude and 
> Sally, the charge being subsequently rescinded. If there are doubts 
> about whether I can be trusted to post or tally the votes -- or, more 
> important, if we are to spare the Forum the bandwidth of votes 
> appearing instead of OA substance -- I am also quite happy to direct 
> the votes to be sent to a trusted 3rd party for tallying, if that is 
> the wish of the Forum.
> Stevan Harnad
>> Charles
>> Professor Charles Oppenheim
>> Head
>> Department of Information Science
>> Loughborough University
>> Loughborough
>> Leics LE11 3TU
>> Tel 01509-223065
>> Fax 01509 223053
>> e mail
>> ________________________________
>> From: American Scientist Open Access Forum
>>] On
>> Behalf Of Jean-Claude Guédon
>> Sent: 06 October 2008 19:00
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: American Scientist Open Access Forum settings
>> What I note is that my messages sometimes appear back very late and I 
>> wonder why. It is this detail which caused my recent angry  reaction.
>> While we are on technical matters, I would appreciate two things from 
>> this
>> moderator/actor:
>> 1. That he should refrain from ever summarizing somebody's words.
>> We are all
>> versed enough in the art of reading to be able to survive without 
>> this doubtful form of help. Besides, list moderators are not mentors 
>> or paternal figures. When the summary ends up distorting the original 
>> message, it becomes reprehensible;
>> 2. Since the moderator also intervenes as member in this list, he 
>> should make clear which of his interventions are moderating 
>> interventions and which ones are participations in discussions. In 
>> the latter case, summaries should be avoided.
>> I realize that Peter Suber manages a blog and not a list, but I 
>> really like the way in which he carefully delineates the pieces of 
>> news he wants to convey, and how he announces his own comments. This 
>> is a very good model to follow. I would also add that Peter Suber 
>> refrains from using judgements and terms that occasionally raise the 
>> ire of readers such as me. When I read a sentence such as "Many 
>> silly, mindless things have been standing in the way of the optimal 
>> and inevitable" (Sept 28), I ask myself if the silly, and mindless  
>> characterizations belong to this context. I also wonder whether the 
>> "optimal and inevitable" are objective, neutral terms. On Sept.
>> 30th, in
>> answering to me, Stevan made free to add: "What on earth does this 
>> mean?".
>> Was that useful? In short, Stevan acts as if there was one truth, one 
>> defender of this truth (himself). The list is "his" list and, on it, 
>> he can berate people at will (What on earth does this mean?). And 
>> then if you resist and respond with a few equivalents to "What on 
>> earth...
>> etc.", then
>> you are accused of flaming, being vituperative, or whatever.
>> I wonder how the same individual, at will and arbitrarily, can assume 
>> the trappings of a moderator or a debate without even making sure 
>> that people know which role is at work. It troubles me and, I assume, 
>> it should trouble many people.
>> This said, Stevan has also done excellent work in setting up this 
>> list and maintaining it. This too should be recognized openly and 
>> loudly.
>> But there
>> is room for improvement.
>> Jean-Claude Guédon
>> PS I will not come back on this point. I leave the floor to Stevan or 
>> any other person willing to defend his present position as both actor 
>> and moderator.
>> Le lundi 06 octobre 2008 à 13:23 -0400, Stevan Harnad a écrit :
>> Whether you do or do not receive copies of your own postings depends 
>> on the setting you chose when you signed onto the American Scientist 
>> Open Access Forum. I have checked Leslie's, Sally's and Jean-Claude's 
>> settings. I note that both Leslie's and Sally's were set to "No 
>> acknowledgements [NOACK NOREPRO]" -- the listserv's default option. I 
>> have now changed them both to "Receive copy of own postings [NOACK 
>> REPRO]". Jean-Claude's setting was already  "Receive copy of own 
>> postings [NOACK REPRO]".
>> If you are not receiving copies of your own postings, you can modify 
>> your settings at
>> n-access-forum&A=1
>> Stevan Harnad
>> Moderator
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 11:29:09 -0400 (EDT)
>> Subject: RE: Jean-Claude
>>     =?iso-8859-1?Q?Gu=E9don_is_wrong=2C_and_so_is_Zinath_Rehana?=
>> From: "Leslie Chan" <>
>> To: "American Scientist Open Access Forum"
>> <>
>> This has been a source of confusion for me in the past. It appears 
>> that the listserv software is setup in such a way that the senders do 
>> not receive a copy of his or her own postings. Is this the case, 
>> Stevan, and can this be changed to avoid future confusion?
>> Leslie
>>> Apologies - I have no idea why my own original posting on the matter 
>>> di=
>> d
>>> not
>>> appear on my own computer
>>> Sally
>>> Sally Morris
>>> Consultant, Morris Associates (Publishing Consultancy) South House, 
>>> The Street Clapham, Worthing, West Sussex BN13 3UU, UK
>>> Tel:  +44(0)1903 871286
>>> Fax:  +44(0)8701 202806
>>> Email: -----Original Message-----
>>> From: American Scientist Open Access Forum
>>>] On
>>> Behalf Of Stevan Harnad
>>> Sent: 06 October 2008 15:08
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Jean-Claude Gu=E9don is wrong, and so is Zinath Rehana
>>> On 10/6/08, Sally Morris (Morris Associates) 
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> List readers will have seen the positive comments on Stevan's 
>>>> moderati=
>> on
>>> of
>>>> the list
>>>> I am worried, however, about whether negative comments are being 
>>>> censored.
>>>> Mine was
>>> May I suggest that before resorting to accusations of censorship, as 
>>> Jean-Claude Guedon did, you consult the American Scientist Open 
>>> Access Forum's archive 
>>> -Fo=
>> rum.h
>>> tml
>>> where you will see, as Jean-Claude did, that all your postings have 
>>> appeared. Nothing has been rejected except another inappropriate 
>>> posting by Zinath Rehana.
>>> Please distinguish the fact that I am often critical of your 
>>> postings in my postings (as you often are of mine) from the question 
>>> of whether or not they appear. They all appear, and when I do a 
>>> critique, just as when you do a critique, I am merely a poster to 
>>> the Forum, like anyone else.
>>> I will not, however, approve further postings accusing me of 
>>> censorship from posters who have simply not bothered to check (or 
>>> have not noticed) that their postings have appeared. This entire 
>>> "censorship" thread has already cost the Forum a number of long-term 
>>> members who have quit the list because they do not have the time for 
>>> these off-topic exchanges. If you wish to inquire about a posting, 
>>> send me an email. The Forum's bandwidth is not intended for this 
>>> sort of thing.
>>> Stevan Harnad
>>>> Sally Morris
>>>> Consultant, Morris Associates (Publishing Consultancy) South House, 
>>>> The Street Clapham, Worthing, West Sussex BN13 3UU, UK
>>>> Tel:  +44(0)1903 871286
>>>> Fax:  +44(0)8701 202806
>>>> Email:
>>>>  _____
>>>> From: American Scientist Open Access Forum
>>>>] O=
>> n
>>>> Behalf Of Subbiah Arunachalam
>>>> Sent: 06 October 2008 04:47
>>>> To:
>>>> Subject: Re: Jean-Claude Gu=E9don is wrong, and so is Zinath Rehana
>>>> I would say the same thing as Alma Swan and Barbara Kirsop, but 
>>>> being =
>> a
>>>> native speakers of English, they have said it far more effectively 
>>>> tha=
>> n
>>>> I
>>>> could.
>>>> Stevan, you are doing a great job. Do not get distracted from your 
>>>> pat=
>> h
>>>> because of a few detractors. Your postings are very educative and 
>>>> we i=
>> n
>>> the
>>>> developing world are greatly indebted to you for your tireless 
>>>> efforts to democratise knowledge and open up the flow of 
>>>> information.
>>>> Arun
>>>> [Subbiah Arunachalam]
>>>> ----- Original Message ----
>>>> From: Ept <>
>>>> To:
>>>> Sent: Friday, 3 October, 2008 18:17:30
>>>> Subject: Re: Jean-Claude Gu=E9don is wrong, and so is Zinath Rehana
>>>> Surely all readers of this List will be grateful to the moderator 
>>>> for sparing us this objectionable posting and I subscribe 
>>>> absolutely to th=
>> e
>>>> sentiments so well expressed by Alma Swan. The role of a Moderator 
>>>> is =
>> no
>>>> easy path to follow and surely leads to turbulence within this 
>>>> highly
>>> vocal
>>>> and dedicated community, each with their different backgrounds and 
>>>> own professional agendas. But as a person working in  
>>>> 'development', I for one am grateful to Stevan for his frequent 
>>>> reiteration of the basic points=
>> ,
>>>> as
>>> I
>>>> am sure are newcomers to the List. As a prime mover in the 
>>>> evolutionar=
>> y
>>>> process towards free access to essential research, his tireless 
>>>> effort=
>> s
>>> are
>>>> well appreciated by the information-starved world.
>>>> Barbara Kirsop
>>>> Electronic Publishing Trust for Development
>> Jean-Claude Guédon
>> Université de Montréal
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