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Dear Members of the List:

One of the key concerns of the Open Access movement is how will the transition 
from traditional toll-access publishing to scientific papers becoming freely 
accessible through open access channels (both OA repositories and OA journals) 
affect the way we evaluate science.. 

In the days of print-only journals, ISI (now Thomson Reuters) came up with 
impact factors and other citation-based indicators. People like Gene Garfield 
and Henry Small of ISI and colleagues in neighbouring Drexel University in 
Philadelphia, Derek de Solla Price at Yale, Mike Moravcsik in Oregon, Fran 
Narin and Colleagues at CHI, Tibor Braun and the team in Hungary, Ton van Raan 
and his colleagues at CWTS, Loet Leydesdorff in Amsterdam, Ben Martin and John 
Irvine of Sussex, Leo Egghe in Belgium and a large number of others  too 
numerous to list here took advantage of the voluminous data put together by ISI 
to develop bibliometric indicators. Respected organizations such as the NSF in 
USA and the European Union's Directorate of Research (which brought out the 
European Report on S&T INdicators similar to the NSF S&T Indicators) recognised 
bibliometrics as a legitimate tool. A number of scientomtrics researchers built 
citation networks; David pendlebury at
 ISI started trying to predict Nobel Prize winners using ISI citation data. 

When the transition from print to electronics started taking palce the 
scientometrics community came up with webometrics. When the transition from 
toll-access to open access started taking place we adopted webometrics to 
examine if open access improves visibility and citations. But we are basically 
using bibliometrics. 

Now I hear from the Washington Research Evaluation Network that 

ÿÿThe traditional tools of R&D evaluation
(bibliometrics, innovation indices, patent analysis, econometric modeling,
etc.) are seriously flawed and promote seriously flawed analysesÿÿ and ÿÿBecause
of the above, reports like the ÿÿGathering
Stormÿÿ  provide seriously flawed analyses and misguided advice to
science policy decision makers.ÿÿ
Should we rethink our approach to evaluation of science?
[Subbiah Arunachalam]

----- Original Message ----
From: Alma Swan <a.s...@talk21.com>
To: american-scientist-open-access-fo...@listserver.sigmaxi.org
Sent: Wednesday, 8 October, 2008 2:36:44
Subject: New ways of measuring research

Barbara Kirsop said:
> 'This exchange of messages is damaging to the List and
> to OA itself. I would like to suggest that those unhappy
> with any aspect of its operation 
> merely remove themselves from the List. This is the normal
> practice.' 
> A 'vote' is unnecessary and totally inappropriate.

Exactly, Barabara. These attempts to undermine Stevan are entirely misplaced 
and exceedingly annoying. The nonsense about Stevan resigning, or changing his 
moderating style, should not continue any further. It's taking up bandwidth, 
boring everyone to blazes, and getting us precisely nowhere except generating 
bad blood. 

Let those who don't like the way Stevan moderates this list resign as is the 
norm and, if they wish, start their own list where they can moderate (or not) 
and discuss exactly as they think fit, if they believe they can handle things 
better. Now that they all know who they are (and so do we), let them band 
together, and get on with it together.

Those who do like the way Stevan moderates this list (his list), can stay and 
continue discussing the things we, and he, think are important in the way the 
list has always been handled. Goodbye, all those who wish things differently. 
It's a shame that you're going but we wish you well and we will be relieved 
when you cease despoiling this list with your carping.

Can I now appeal to those who opt to stay to start a new thread on something 
important - and I suggest that the issue of research metrics is a prime 
candidate.  I particularly don't want to be too precise about that term 
'metrics'. Arun (Subbiah Arunachalam) has just sent out to various people the 
summary that the Washington Research Evaluation Network has published about - 
er - research evaluation. One of the conclusions is that bibliometrics are 
'flawed'. Many people would agree with that, but with conditions. 

It is important to me in the context of a current project I am doing that I 
understand what possibilities there are for measuring (not assessing or 
evaluating, necessarily, but measuring) THINGS related to research. 
Measurements may be such a thing as immediate impact, perhaps measured as usual 
by citations, but I am also interested in other approaches, including long-term 
ones, for measuring research activities and outcomes. We need not think only in 
terms of impact but also in terms of outputs, effects, benefits, costs, 
payoffs, ROI. I would like to hear about things that could be considered as 
measures of research activity in one form or another. They may be quite 
'wacky', and they may be things that are currently not open to empirical 
analysis yet would seem to be the basis of sensible measures of research 
outcomes. Any ideas you have, bring 'em on. Then the challenge is whether, in 
an OA world, people will be able to develop the tools to make the
measures measurable. That's the next conversation.

Stevan, your incisive input is very welcome as always. And you may 
quote/comment as much as you want. That is the unique value that you bring to 
this list and why the vast majority of us are still here, right behind you. 

Alma Swan
Key Perspectives Ltd
Truro, UK

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