Crisis everywhere these days not only on the market but now even within
the OA movement.

BioMed Central is bought by Springer and our beloved chairman is

Barbara Kirsop's advise known from political and religious history  as
not the ultimate one even
if it is "normal practice" even todayl.

Steven Harnad should step back but of course not remove himself from the
list. We need Steven
even when he is deadly wrong.


barbara kirsop wrote:
> Events have overtaken the message I was about to send in the hope of
> ending this damaging exchange. I planned to say the following:
> 'This exchange of messages is damaging to the List and to OA itself. I
> would like to suggest that those unhappy with any aspect of its operation
> merely remove themselves from the List. This is the normal practice.'
> A 'vote' is unnecessary and totally inappropriate.
> Barbara

De åsikter som framförs här är mina personliga
och inte ett uttryck för Göteborgs universitets-
biblioteks hållning

Opinions expressed here are my own and not
that of Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek

Jan Szczepanski
Förste bibliotekarie
Goteborgs universitetsbibliotek
Box 222
SE 405 30 Goteborg, SWEDEN
Tel: +46 31 7861164 Fax: +46 31 163797

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