HKU Research Committee Agrees to Endorse a Paper on the Open Acccess


The University Research Committee of the University of Hong Kong at
their September meeting discussed a paper describing the benefits of
placing research results in open access, freely available to


This paper, authored by the undersigned Hong Kong Open Access
Committee, described how large players, such as the US National
Institute of Health and the UK's Wellcome Institute now require their
funded researchers to place their research results in open access,
and the increase in citations and reputation that they expect to
achieve with this action.


The HKU URC found that there is an Open Acccess Advantage, and that
if policy is adopted in favour of open access it will achieve RGC and
HKU stated goals of Knowledge Transfer.  They agreed to endorse the
arrangements suggested in this paper under, "Specific Proposal", for
how RGC and the UGC funded institutions can likewise place their
research results in open access.


We ask that recipients of this email make this result widely known,
with the goal of requiring open access on Hong Kong tax-payer funded
research, for Hong Kong citizens, and the world.  We encourage other
relevant authorities and committees to likewise consider and make
policy to require open access on publicly funded research.  We have
an opportunity to showcase our research wealth with the world, and
thereby make a truly historic decision.


John Bacon-Shone, The University of Hong Kong

Edwin Cheng, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Anthony Ferguson, The University of Hong Kong

Carmel McNaught, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

David Palmer, The University of Hong Kong

Ah Chung Tsoi, Hong Kong Baptist University

-          Chair, HK OA Committee


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