On 18 Nov 2008, at 12:32, Dominic Tate wrote:

> Aimed at librarians and repository staff using the open-source EPrints
> software, the morning sessions will cover the installation and visual
> customisation of EPrints, metadata schema design and the batch importing
> of legacy records.

I'd just like to explain a bit more about what we want to achieve in the RSP
Training day.

In recent EPrints training courses we focused on simple facilities for
adding metadata fields and for manipulating repository configuration files.
This forthcoming training day allows us to go one step further by including
easy-to-manage visual design for the repository, with direct updating via
Dreamweaver or other HTML editors. We'd like to get the participants to
install a 'vanilla' repository and then customise it with their own visual
branding, extend it to accommodate their particular metadata requirements
and fill it with some imported data without needing any technical or
programming skills.

One of our key aims in the development of EPrints 3 series is to enable
non-technical repository managers to achieve as many repository management
tasks as possible without recourse to their campus ICT services. We know
that one of the urgent issues facing repositories in the UK is the lack of
IT resources to keep up with the ongoing activities of the repository.

We're really excited about this, and we hope that you will be too. The day
should have something new, even for people who have been to a previous
EPrints course.
Les Carr
EPrints Technical Director
(returning from SPARC DR2008, at Washington Dulles airport)

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