On 8 Dec 2008, at 22:50, Klaus Graf wrote:

> Here are the numbers for journal articles in the ZORA December 5
> sample:
> 30 journal articles (of 50 entries), free fulltext 7

A good way to do large samples of the repository is via a search.
Search for (e.g.) all refereed items, and you will get back over 3000
eprints in pages of 20. Each of the 20 items will have a PDF icon next
to it if it has a PDF full text with it. You can then count up very
quickly the ratio of full-text-deposits to bare-metadata-records.

I would avoid taking very recent samples (from the last 6 months) as
they may represent items that have been submitted but not accepted for
publication. In some repositories, and under some policy regimes, the
author may choose to deposit their metadata but wait for acceptance
until they deposit the full text.

Each batch of 20 eprints (ie each page from the search results) that I
have tested briefly comes up with around 14/20 full texts.

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