2009/2/24 Stevan Harnad <amscifo...@gmail.com>:

> (Re: Phil Davis) No, E & R do not show that
> "the vast majority of freely-accessible scientific articles are not
> published in OA journals, but are made freely available by non-profit
> scientific societies using a subscription model."
> E & R did not even look at the vast majority of freely-accessible articles,
> which are the ones self-archived by their authors. E & R looked only at
> journals that make their entire contents free after an access-embargo of up
> to a year or more.

Is there any empirical evidence that there are more self-archived
articles in the web than articles free after an embargo? There is a
lot af free backfile access for TA journals. And even you exclude that
you have to proof your assertion.

Klaus Graf

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