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[Forwarding from Leif Hansen, Senior Advisor, Copenhagen Business School]

Greater access to scholarly publications from CBS

The CBS Open Access Policy - 2009.

Background.  Universities find themselves in a situation in which research
becomes more and more international through increased cooperation with other
universities inside and outside of Europe. This has been the case for CBS
for several years, where internationalization has been one of the key
strategic goals.

Scientific information is increasingly digitized, journals appear more and
more in e-format only and references to e-science and e-research gains
ground. More and more researchers expect rapid access to research material
and information and prefer search tools for information that provides easy
access to content via the internet.

Many funders have recognised that the job of research is only half-done if
the results of that research cannot reach the widest audience. Some are
formulating policies to require Open Access to their funded research, and
the European Re-search Council has recommended an open access policy for all
EU funded re-search.

CBS as other universities find themselves in a transitional process in which
access to the results of their research is an important prerequisite to
participating in the international research community and research

And as a publicly funded university CBS has a duty to inform the general
public about its research activities and results and to provide access to
published results of the research to industry and business to stimulate
knowledge exchange and further innovation.

In line with these considerations CBS last year signed the Berlin
Declaration, which calls for unrestricted Open Access to Knowledge in the
Sciences and Humanities. In order to implement the Berlin Declaration
institutions should:

a)   "implement a policy to require their researchers to deposit a copy of
all their pub-lished articles in an open access repository and

b)   encourage their researchers to publish their research articles in open
access journals where a suitable journal exists and provide the support to
enable that to happen."

To clarify the concept "open access" the following quotation from the
British organisation Sherpa (Securing a Hybrid Environment for Research
Preservation and Access) can be of help:

"What Open Access is
If an article is "Open Access" it means that it can be freely accessed by
anyone in the world using an internet connection. This means that the
potential readership of Open Access articles is far, far greater than that
for articles where the full-text is restricted to subscribers. Evidence
shows that making research material Open Access increases the number of
readers and significantly increases citations to the article.
"What Open Access is not
It is important to point out that Open Access does not affect peer-review;
articles are peer-reviewed and published in journals in the normal way.
There is no suggestion that authors should use repositories instead of
journals. Open Access repositories supplement and do not replace journals.

"Open Access Solutions
Open Access is taking the results of research that has already been paid for
and making it freely available on-line, through repositories and websites.
This process can have significant advantages for individual authors, for
researchers, for institutions and for the process of research generally by
freeing up the process of dissemination."

This policy document describes the principles and procedures in this
implementation at CBS.

Policy principles

CBS and the faculty at CBS are committed to disseminating the results of its
re-search and scholarship as widely as possible.

To fulfill that commitment CBS is adopting an Open access policy that
provide open access to full-text versions of all scholarly papers and
articles written by its faculty.

The aim is to allow these publications to be read, searched, printed,
distributed or utilized in any other conceivable legitimate manner without
any financial, technical or legal restrictions.

This does not affect the author's legal right to be identified as the
copyright holder of such works.

This open access policy furthermore seeks to increase authors' influence in
scholarly publishing by establishing a collective practice of retaining a
right to open access dissemination of certain scholarly works.

As a consequence of this policy CBS faculty shall routinely grant to CBS a
license to place in a non-commercial open-access online repository
(OpenAr-chive@CBS) the faculty member's scholarly work published in a
scholarly journal or conference proceedings.[*])

[*] A license means that the copyright owner gives to another the right to
use a copyrighted work in specified ways. This license shall be limited,
irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, fully paid-up, and
non-exclusive. Such a license does not transfer any right to CBS other than
the specific license to place the work in the non-commercial, open-access
online repository (OpenArchive@CBS). Accordingly the faculty member retains
copyright ownership in his or her work.

In the event a faculty member is required to assign all or a part of his or
her copy-right rights in such scholarly work to a publisher as part of a
publication agreement, the faculty member shall retain in the publication
agreement the right to grant the foregoing license to CBS.

Faculty may opt out of this policy for any specific work or invoke a
specified delay before such work appears in an open-access repository in
accordance with the opt-out mechanism set forth below.

The policy will apply to all scholarly articles written while the person is
a member of the Faculty except for any articles completed before the
adoption of this policy and any articles for which the Faculty member
entered into an incompatible licensing or assignment agreement before the
adoption of this policy. But it is strongly recommended that faculty
consider depositing articles written earlier to the adoption of this policy
if existing publishing agreements does not prevent this.

A faculty member may opt out of this policy for a specific work that has
been accepted for publication in a journal or conference proceeding that
refuses to allow open access depositing of the work. The Research Dean or
the deans designate will waive application of the policy for a particular
article upon written notification by the author, who informs CBS of the


CBS is committed to providing the necessary technical, organizational and
non-material support that will help the open access policy to be implemented
in the best way.

CBS Executive Management Team has assigned the responsibility for running
the institutional repository (OpenArchive@CBS) to the CBS Library, which
will also be responsible for helping the faculty in any necessary way in
relation to publishing in open access journal, retaining rights to open
access depositing or other problems arising from the implementation of the

The CBS institutional repository has been built on international standards
to ensure long-term, worldwide access to the archived documents.

The actually archiving of the individual document is done by the library as
part of the process of research registration, where the library will contact
the researchers to get a full text version of the articles.

CBS support the idea of publishing scholarly articles and papers in
recognized, peer-reviewed, open-access journals or other open access
publication channels. The CBS Library will help identifying possible
publication channels that fulfill this goal and provide overview of such
publication channels.

Although a substantial number of journals allow open access archiving in one
form or the other there still remains many highly esteemed journals that
have not yet developed an open access policy of their own, which are
interesting and regularly used publication channels for CBS.

The faculty is encouraged to choose the best possible publication channel
for their research results in terms of readership, but they are required to
demand that publishers grant them the right to further use of their own work
in teaching, colla-boration with fellow scholars and open access depositing.
An addendum to a standard publishing agreement helping retaining these
rights based on the Science Commons Scholar's Copyright Addendum, developed
with SPARC and MIT, will be made available by the CBS Library as well as a
Danish version of a publishing agreement.

If articles are published in publication channels that are not readily
accessible to the general public or that require a subscription, copies of
the article must be made available through OpenArchive@CBS. If an embargo is
required by the publishing house an embargo period of up to one year may be

In cases where the publisher refuses to allow open access depositing and /
or further use of the scholarly work and where the publication in this
specific channel is deemed necessary the Research Dean and the CBS Library
will handle the demands for opting-out. The individual author must send a
written notification to the library which proposes to the dean whether he
should grant the opt-out possibility. The articles not archived for this
reason must be registered in OpenAr-chive@CBS with bibliographical
information, a short résumé and information about publication channel.

In the first 3 year period of implementing this policy the questions of
opting-out will be dealt with very carefully. The intention of the open
access policy is to promote and disseminate as widely as possible the
research form CBS not to prevent publishing.

The Executive Management Team, Heads of Departments and Directors of Centers
are expected to actively support and encourage faculty in living up to the
principles in this policy.

In line with the intention of the Berlin Declaration and in cooperation with
other parts of the Danish and international research community CBS is
committed to lobbying for official recognition of open access publishing in

This policy paper has been adopted by the Executive Management Team after
due consultation with the Academic Council and CBS Heads of Departments and
Directors of Centers.

The policy paper shall be revised yearly for the next 3 years in order to
adapt the policy to recent developments within Open Access and to adjust to
practical experiences from the implementation process at CBS.

CBS, June 2009

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