Professor Harnad is defining the reality according his wishes once more.

2009/10/17 Stevan Harnad <>:
>> is "institutional repository" in this press release a
>> complete misnomer? OpenSky will be a multi-institution, *disciplinary*
>> repository, not so? Unless they are planning selective OAI-PMH
>> harvesting from IRs, which isn't how I read the release.
> The relevant distinction is institutional vs central repository,

The authoritative list of OA disciplinary repositories is

There is absolutely no need to have one "central repository" for each
discipline (like arxiv).

Professor Harnad is ignoring the fact that

* most universities have no repository

* most researchers are not affiliated to an institution with an repository.

"An estimated 185,000 people were employed as active researchers in
the UK during 2006-07, of which
around 94,000 were in the business sector, 82,000 in higher education
and 9,500 in
government" (Houghton et al., p. 139)

This means that one cannot exclude non-university-affiliated
researchers from OA deliberations.

Klaus Graf

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