----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Heather Morrison" <hgmor...@sfu.ca>
To: <american-scientist-open-access-fo...@listserver.sigmaxi.org>
Sent: Saturday, January 16, 2010 4:11 AM
Subject: Re: Growth rate of OA mandates?

> Comments (Heather):
>> How libraries can contribute to improving access for all:  many
> libraries are currently very involved in scholarly communication
> programs, providing education for scholars on author's rights (no one
> needs to sign away copyright in order to publish), managing
> institutional repositories, assisting with compliance with funding
> agency OA policies, and many also provide journal hosting and support
> services for faculty, and working to transition funding from the
> subscriptions system to open access, for example by joining the
> Compact on Open Access Publishing Equity (COPE):
> http://www.oacompact.org/compact/

A point is missing after "managing institutional repositories". You should 
add  "AND explaining all the advantages and the necessity of a mandate."
> Comments (Heather)
> There isn't really ONE tipping point for OA, but rather many (Peter
> Suber wrote about this some time ago).  There is no longer a need to
> advocate for OA as a good thing, for example; the arguments now relate
> to feasibility, not desirability.

The feasibility of a mandate has been proven by all the universities which 
appear in ROARMAP http://www.eprints.org/openaccess/policysignup/
and the advantages are listed in the article "Maximizing and measuring 
research impact through university and research-funder open access 
self-archiving mandates"

Hélène Bosc
Euroscience Member
Convenor of the workgroup on scientific publishing

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