What is this supposed to do that the Internet Archive
(http://www.archive.org/index.php) doesn't/won't/can't?  Or for that
matter, WebCite (http://www.webcitation.org/)?


On Mon, 15 Feb 2010 11:53 -0500, "Stevan Harnad" <amscifo...@gmail.com>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Leslie Carr <lac -- ecs.soton.ac.uk>
> Date: Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 6:53 AM
> Subject: Interest in Memento?
> To: jisc-repositor...@jiscmail.ac.uk
> Have you heard of Memento, one of Herbert van de Sompel's recent
> projects.
> "Have you ever felt frustrated by your inability to get to old
> versions of Web pages? Did you bookmark a page last year, and
> revisited it recently only to find that the current content isn't even
> remotely related to what caught your interest back then? ... Wouldn’t
> it be much easier if you could just connect to cnn.com, Wikipedia, or
> news.bbc.co.uk indicating that you are interested in the pages of
> March 20 2008, not the current ones? If you could activate a time
> machine in your browser or bot?" (http://www.mementoweb.org/)
> We (EPrints) have been asked to think about providing support for this
> facility in our repository software,  but we'd like to get some
> feedback from the community.
> Would this be useful to anyone? What use cases can you foresee?
> Indeed, have you ever felt frustrated by the lack of this facility, as
> the project page assumes?
> --
> Les Carr

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