On 2010-10-13, at 7:02 PM, Okerson, Ann wrote:

> HMMMM, We see huge value in robust subject repositories that
> present readers with tools and content appropriate to their
> disciplines.  My not-so-secret hope has been that subject
> repositories will thrive and endure, and will not depend on the
> existence of thousands of institutional repositories.

For this secret hope to be realized, there has to be a way to get all of OA's 
target content -- the c. 2.5 million articles per year published in the 
planet's peer reviewed scholarly and scientific journals, across all 
disciplines -- deposited in one or the other (i.e., in at least one central or 
institutional repository).

Now, institutions worldwide (universities and research institutions) are the 
universal providers of *all* that target OA content, whether funded or funded, 
across all disciplines. Virtually every author of every one of those annual 2.5 
million articles has an institutional affiliation. Each author shares with his 
institution a joint interest in showcasing and maximizing the visibility, 
access, uptake, usage, applications and citations of their joint research 
output. The researcher's institution (and employer) is also in the position to 
mandate that that research output be deposited in the institutional repository, 
in order to provide those benefits to the author and the institution, just as 
the researcher's institution already mandates publishing (or perishing) in the 
first place.

In contrast, a "discipline" has no interests (except perhaps a maze internally 
competitive ones), and no power to mandate anything -- neither publishing nor 
OA. Moreover, how many disciplines are there? and how many subjects? and does 
an author/article falling into several need to be deposited in several central 
repositories? How many? And if not, which? And why? If central collections are 
the place to *search* (and they are), why on earth should they be the place to 
*deposit*? Do we deposit in google, and other search engines? No, they harvest. 
From not thousands of sites, but hundreds of millions of them. So should 
central OA repositories. (The planet only has about 10,000 universities and 
research institutions...)

Whereas the author's own institution should host and archive the deposits; the 
central harvesters need only harvest the metadata. And many different central 
harvesters can harvest, mix and match the same metadata. But the author need 
deposit only once: In his own IR.

Funders can help. But not by foolishly mandating institution-external deposit 
for that small fragment of an institution's research output that they happen to 
fund. Institutions are the universal providers of *all* research output (funded 
by different -- sometimes multiple -- funders, and some of it unfunded). 
Funders should encourage and reinforce institutional OA mandates by specifying 
that the (preferential) locus of mandatory deposit for their fundees is in 
their own institutional repositories.

One locus of deposit, convergent rather than divergent, collaborative rather 
than competitive, mandated by both institutions and funders: in the author's 
own IR. Then harvest and search centrally as, "robustly" as you please.

No point hoping for a preferred kind of repository if you haven't a hope (or a 
viable plan) for getting it filled the target content.

A word to the wise.

Stevan Harnad

> Ann Okerson/Yale Library
> ------------------- Message requiring your approval ------------------
> From: Stevan Harnad <har...@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
> To: "Liblicense-L@Lists. Yale. Edu" <liblicens...@lists.yale.edu>
> Subject: Re: Role of arXiv
> [SNIP]
> No one wants Arxiv to disappear, but I'll bet that within a
> decade Arxiv will just be an automated harvester of deposits from
> authors' own institutional repositories, not a locus of direct,
> institution-external deposit. In the age of Institutional
> Repositories, it is no longer necessary -- nor does it make sense
> -- for authors to self-archive institution-externally. It is also
> a needless central expense to manage deposit centrally. It makes
> much more sense to deposit institutionally and harvest centrally.
>> My understanding is that arXiv is funded by a combination of
>> support from Cornell, a large government grant, and
>> contributions from other research universities.  If this
>> funding were to disappear (I heard it was threatened a year or
>> two ago), would arXiv be resurrected by the community?
> Once all universities have IRs and IR self-archiving mandates,
> there will be no need to fund repositories for
> institution-external deposit. Harvesting is cheap. And each
> university's IR will be a standard part of its online
> infrastructure.
> [SNIP]

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