On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 8:24 AM, Barry Mahon <barry.ma...@iol.ie> wrote:

> As I've said to you many times over the years, your logic is impeccable,
> I'm just waiting for it to be implemented......

Ouch! Perhaps you're right that one should duck out after over a
decade and a half of abject failure. But call it blood-mindedness or
overconfidence in the Law of the Excluded Middle, I'm still prepared
to duke it out for a few years more.

More seriously: I am now pinning my hopes on EOS
(EnablingOpenScholarship http://www.openscholarship.org/ ), founded by
Alma Swan and Bernard Rentier, which will become a legal entity in
September http://www2.frs-fnrs.be/open-access/ and will then be
providing OA policy guidance to universities worldwide, with the help
of most of the major contributors to OA to date:

Stay tuned...

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