Stevan Harnad responded to most of Eric van der Velde's doubts 
( straightforwardly – and fairly, I think. To Eric's 
question whether OA publishing amounts to vanity publishing, he responds with a 
few references to his own papers, that perhaps don't quite answer the question, 
so let me say a few words about that. 

It could be argued that much of academic publishing is "vanity publishing". 
That is because it's purpose is not only to convey research results to the rest 
of the academic community, but also – and one can be forgiven for thinking 
that that's often the primary purpose – to support the author's reputation 
and academic prowess in what I call the academic 'ego-system'. It's "publish or 
perish" after all, and not "read or rot". So 'vanity publishing' of sorts 
(arguably peer-review even adds to the vanity, certainly to the effect on 
exhibit-able prowess) is a necessity in the academic 'ego-system' to survive 
and thrive. 

It's quite probable that Eric didn't have this kind of 'vanity' in mind, but 
just the sort of unfiltered, unchecked publishing more akin to blog posts and 
the like. Well, OA publishing doesn't provide that any more than traditional 
publishing. Of course, there may be a few OA journals that are rather cavalier 
with the peer-review process, but such journals also exist in the traditional 
subscription-based publishing world. The temptation to accept articles that 
might not quite pass muster is also present in traditional subscription 
journals, because they do not only fail when they don't have enough 
subscriptions; they also fail when they have not enough papers. Indeed, 
traditional publishers rely effectively on the publication of ever more papers 
to be able to increase their revenues. Just as OA publishers do. 

OA journals are not more likely than traditional subscription journals to lower 
their standards. What they may do more (I'm thinking of e.g. PLoS One) is to 
remove as much as possible subjective selection criteria (often confused with 
'quality') and selection criteria based on the amount of space a journal has 
(due, for instance, to having a print edition). Such space limitations may 
result (and frequently do, is my impression) in rejection of perfectly 
publishable and even subjectively high quality articles, just because it so 
happens that just before an article on a similar topic has been accepted, or an 
article by researchers from the same institution, or an article considered to 
have higher citation-potential (an example of what is often confused with 
quality), or some such argument. This kind of selection is often seen as 
resulting in higher quality, but is in reality quite arbitrary, even spurious. 

Jan Velterop

On 29 Oct 2011, at 18:09, Stevan Harnad wrote:

> On 2011-10-28, at 5:47 PM, Eric F. Van de Velde wrote:
>> My most recent blog may be of interest to this list. It starts as follows, 
>> the rest is available at
> There are very simple answers to each of Eric's doubts, which arise mostly 
> from a library-based rather than a research-based perception of the open 
> access (OA) problem and its solution. 
> There is only one doubt that is most definitely justified, though Eric has 
> not expressed it: Researchers themselves -- even though they and their 
> research are the primary losers because of access-denial, and the primary 
> beneficiaries of providing OA -- are not providing OA in sufficient numbers 
> until and unless it is mandated by their institutions and funders.
> That does raise some doubts, but not about the feasibility or benefits of OA 
> -- only about the alertness of researchers to their own needs and the way to 
> meet them.
> Open Access Reassurances
>> Assessing the ongoing Open Access experiment, where are our doubts? I have 
>> three.
>> Is Affordable Better than Free?
> Affordable is not better than free because even if journal subscriptions were 
> sold at cost, with no profit margin at all, not all or even most institutions 
> could afford to subscribe to all or even most peer-reviewed journals.
> The purpose of OA is to provide online access to all would-be users, not just 
> those whose institutions can afford a subscription to the journal in which it 
> was published.
> Eric is conflating the journal affordability and the research accessibility 
> problems.
>> A robust and user-friendly network of open scholarly systems seems farther 
>> away than ever because of inexpertly formatted content and bad, incomplete, 
>> and non-public (!) metadata. 
> No, researchers are not being denied access to peer-reviewed research because 
> of "inexpertly formatted content and bad, incomplete, and non-public (!) 
> metadata" but because of content to which (a) their institution cannot afford 
> access and (b) that has not been made OA at all.
> It is librarians who worry about formatting and metadata! Researchers worry 
> about inaccessible content.
>> While there is always room for improvement, pay-walled journals provide 
>> professionally formatted and organized content with excellent metadata and 
>> robust services. The problem is cost. Unfortunately, we did nothing to 
>> reduce cost. We only negotiated prices.
> Cost is not the OA problem: Access-denial is. Lowering cost is a library's 
> goal. Gaining access is the user's need. And even lowering prices to 
> cost-without-any-profit does not remedy access denial.
>> The root of the problem is site licenses... Site licenses are 
>> market-distorting products that preserve paper-era business processes of 
>> publishers, aggregators, and libraries.
> No, the root of the problem is access-denial and the solution is access 
> provision. And the way to provide OA is for authors to self-archive their 
> refereed final drafts ("green OA"). And the way to ensure that authors 
> self-archive is to mandate it.
>> Universities can cut the Gordian knot right now by replacing site licenses 
>> with direct subsidies to researchers…Researchers, empowered to make 
>> individual price-value judgments, would become consumers in a suddenly 
>> competitive market for content and information services. 
> Instead of mandating green OA (cost-free), cancel all subscriptions and give 
> the funds to researchers, and the market will take care of the rest!
> Eric, when many of us are struggling to get something concrete and practical 
> that has already been tried, tested, and proven effective -- namely, green OA 
> mandates -- to be implemented by more institutions after 15 years of 
> needlessly lost research access and impact, I don't think this is the 
> opportune time to try or even contemplate rather speculative hypotheses! 
>> What are the Goals of Institutional Repositories?
>> Open Access advocates have articulated at least five goals for institutional 
>> repositories: (1) release hidden information, (2) rein in journal prices, 
>> (3) archive an institution’s scholarly record, (4) enable fast research 
>> communication, and (5) provide free access to author-formatted articles.
> If "release hidden information" (1) means provide online access to refereed 
> research to which access is currently denied to users at non-subscribing 
> institutions, then this is the one and only fundamental rationale for OA, and 
> has been ever since the online era made it feasible. (But I'm afraid this 
> might not even be what Eric means by "release hidden information!)
> The other four goals are secondary ones: If all refereed research is (green) 
> OA, whether or not it reins in journal prices (2) is secondary, since all 
> users have access, whether or not their institutions can afford to buy 
> access. 
> An institution's scholarly record is already "archived" in the journals in 
> which is was published (3) (all of them are now online and archived). The 
> trouble is that the institution itself has no record of it. (Mandating green 
> OA provides that.)
> OA doesn't just speed up research communication and progress (4), it makes 
> research progress possible (for those users who are otherwise denied access). 
> That's not just speed: it's access and hence uptake.
> And the purpose of OA is to provide free access for all would-be users, 
> whether or not their institutions can afford paid access to the publisher's 
> version of record. Access to the author's refereed final draft (5) may sound 
> like less than perfect from a librarian point of view, but it is the 
> difference between night and day to an otherwise access-denied researcher.
>> Institutional repositories are ideal vehicles for releasing hidden 
>> information that, until recently, had no suitable distribution platform (1). 
> This is a profound error and misunderstanding: The fundamental reason for 
> providing OA is to "release" _published_ information that was only accessible 
> to users at subscribing institutions rather than to all would-be users. It is 
> not about information that had "no suitable distribution platform." (Although 
> unrefereed papers and other kinds of research content are welcome in 
> repositories too, the first and foremost target content is refereed, 
> published research.)
>> Institutional repositories fall short as a mechanism to rein in journal 
>> prices (2), because they are not a credible alternative for the current 
>> archival scholarly record. 
> You are conflating "gold" OA publishing with green OA self-archiving here: 
> Green OA is a supplement, not a substitute, for refereed research journals. 
> No "credible alternative intended": just a remedy for access-denial.
> And the goal of OA itself is not to "rein in journal prices" but to provide 
> online access for all users, not just the ones whose institutions can afford 
> the journal prices.
> So you are again conflating the problem of journal affordability with the 
> problem of research accessibility.
>> Without (2), goals (3), (4), and (5) are irrelevant. If we pay for journals 
>> anyway, we can achieve (3) by maintaining a database of links to the formal 
>> literature. Secure in the knowledge that their journals are not in jeopardy, 
>> publishers would be happy to provide (4) and (5).
> Without lowering prices, access-denial to users whose institutions cannot 
> afford subscriptions is _irrelevant_?
> Keep paying their subscriptions and journals will provide access for those 
> who can't afford to pay for it?
> Perhaps what you mean is that if all subscribing institutions promised to 
> keep paying the asking price in perpetuo, then journals would agree to make 
> all their contents OA?
> But who would (or could) make such a (foolish) promise?
>> A scenario consistent with this analysis is unfolding right now. The HEP 
>> community launched a rescue mission for HEP journals, which lost much of 
>> their role to arXiv. 
> The HEP community is the only one in the world that has already provided 
> (green) OA for itself without the need for a mandate. Hence there is 
> effectively no more access denial worldwide for the HEP subset of the journal 
> literature. The HEP community has effectively solved the accessibility 
> problem.
> What the HEP community does as a follow-up, to address the affordability 
> problem, is of far less concern and relevance to the rest of the scholarly 
> and scientific community, which is still afflicted with access denial (and 
> its resultant loss in research usage, progress and impact). What the non-HEP 
> world needs is OA.
> But it should be mentioned that the SCOAP3 project is effectively the one 
> that I called in question above: No institution can or will guarantee that it 
> will keep paying for subscriptions in perpetuo. So the jury is still out on 
> whether such a scheme is sustainable. But we already know it is not scalable 
> beyond HEP, because the non-HEP world has not yet even taken the first 
> essential step, which is to provide green OA.
> That's why green OA mandates are needed.
> Publishing reform will take care of itself thereafter.
>> The SCOAP3 initiative pools funds currently spent on site-licensing HEP 
>> journals. This strikes me as a heavy-handed approach to protect existing 
>> revenue streams of established journals. On the other hand, SCOAP3 protects 
>> the quality of the HEP archival scholarly record and converts HEP journals 
>> to the open-access model.
> It's a consortial "membership" solution about whose sustainability and 
> scalability there are, as noted, good reasons to have doubts.
> But it is irrelevant. Because HEP already has (green) OA, unmandated, whereas 
> the rest of the scholarly and scientific world does not.
>> Are Open-Access Journals a Form of Vanity Publishing?
>> If a journal’s scholarly discipline loses influence or if its editorial 
>> board lowers its standards, the journal’s standing diminishes and various 
>> quality assessments fall.
> Harnad, S. (2010) No-Fault Peer Review Charges: The Price of Selectivity Need 
> Not Be Access Denied or Delayed. D-Lib Magazine 16 
> (7/8).
> Plans by universities and research funders to pay the costs of Open Access 
> Publishing ("Gold OA") are premature. Funds are short; 80% of journals 
> (including virtually all the top journals) are still subscription-based, 
> tying up the potential funds to pay for Gold OA; the asking price for Gold OA 
> is still high; and there is concern that paying to publish may inflate 
> acceptance rates and lower quality standards. What is needed now is for 
> universities and funders to mandate OA self-archiving (of authors' final 
> peer-reviewed drafts, immediately upon acceptance for publication) ("Green 
> OA"). That will provide immediate OA; and if and when universal Green OA 
> should go on to make subscriptions unsustainable (because users are satisfied 
> with just the Green OA versions) that will in turn induce journals to cut 
> costs (print edition, online edition, access-provision, archiving), downsize 
> to just providing the service of peer review, and convert to the Gold OA 
> cost-recovery model; meanwhile, the subscription cancellations will have 
> released the funds to pay these residual service costs. The natural way to 
> charge for the service of peer review then will be on a "no-fault basis," 
> with the author's institution or funder paying for each round of refereeing, 
> regardless of outcome (acceptance, revision/re-refereeing, or rejection). 
> This will minimize cost while protecting against inflated acceptance rates 
> and decline in quality standards.
> Harnad, S. (2011) Gold Open Access Publishing Must Not Be Allowed to Retard 
> the Progress of Green Open Access Self-Archiving. Logos 21(3-4): 86-93 
> Universal Open Access (OA) is fully within the reach of the global research 
> community: Research institutions and funders need merely mandate (green) OA 
> self-archiving of the final, refereed drafts of all journal articles 
> immediately upon acceptance for publication. The money to pay for gold OA 
> publishing will only become available if universal green OA eventually makes 
> subscriptions unsustainable. Paying for gold OA pre-emptively today, without 
> first having mandated green OA not only squanders scarce money, but it delays 
> the attainment of universal OA.
> Stevan Harnad
> EnablingOpenScholarship (EOS)

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