Dear Stevan,
I do hope this is not a result of an unnecessarily rude message from Ros (who
she?). No-one of any consequence feels you have outlived your role, which in my
opinion has been instrumental in getting the OA message across and patiently
clarifying misunderstandings. Truly without this - I am sure, a  sometimes
depressing task for you - we wouldn't be where we are. And though I sometimes
get cross with you for endlessly quoting the 15% (or is it 20% now), there is 
question that OA is not here to stay. Can you imagine unpicking what has been
achieved now - all those IRs, all those OA journals, all that clever IR
management work . . .?  And all this thanks largely to your persistence, and
giving the rest of us valuable tutorials with which to help spread the message.
I much hope you decide to stay, but if you really want to quit, you can do so
with a great achievement behind you, and the grateful thanks of the researchers
in the developing world who now have a light at the end of the tunnel.
Take care,
      ----- Original Message -----
From: Stevan Harnad
Sent: Friday, November 25, 2011 10:09 PM
Subject: Stepping down as Moderator of American Scientist Open Access

Dear All,

In September 2011 the AmSci Open Access Forum went into its 14th year. I
think I have been moderating the Forum long enough, and so I'm stepping
down as moderator, effective the end of December.

This leaves time for the Forum to decide (1) whether to continue (or the
other two OA lists -- SOAF and BOAI -- are sufficient). If the decision is
to continue, we will need (2) volunteers or nominees for who is to take
over the moderator role and (3) a volunteer to mediate and tall the
(offline) voting, if it comes to a vote.

Please send your votes to me (offline) on whether the AmSci Forum should
continue (1) and if so please (2) volunteer or nominate a new moderator. I
will post a compendium of all the votes but I don't want the traffic to
drive everyone off the list before its fate is decided!

Also, please also let me know (offline) if you would volunteer to (3)
mediate and tally the (offline) voting, if it comes to a vote.

Best wishes,


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