Dear Stevan

Do you mean I may be allowed to post in the future, or do you intend
to leave specific instructions regarding me ?    :-)

Well,  thanks a lot for the work done.



PS You may choose not to post this one either :-)

* Stevan Harnad <>, le 27-11-11, a écrit:
> Dear All,
> Of the seven responses received to date, all seven are in favor of
> continuing the Forum. Richard Poynder and Thomas Krichel have each offered
> to moderate. Three of those who voted to continue also endorsed Richard
> Poynder (Alma Swan spontaneously, Helene Bosc and Barbara Kirsop when I had
> followed up their responses to inform them that Richard Poynder and Thomas
> Krichel had offered to moderate).
> Note that a straw poll of a list of 1000+ subscribers, most of whom never
> post, is not the same thing as an election. I will wait a little longer for
> responses, and post another compendium in a few days. If those who have
> been active contributors to the Forum across the years feel it should
> continue, it will continue.
> Stevan
> THOMAS KRICHEL: I think it should continue, as it appears to be the largest
> and most active forum.  I volunteer to do it.
> RICHARD POYNDER: Well I certainly vote for it to continue. I would even put
> my name down for the moderator's hat if it was felt appropriate for a
> journalist to run such a forum, and people believed I could do the job
> adequately
> ALMA SWAN: I am writing to nominate Richard Poynder as the new moderator
> for the AmSci Forum. I think he brings the right qualities - amongst them
> honesty, fairness, intellectual curiousness and efficiency - and is hugely
> respected as an independent, critical thinker on the issues that AmSci
> covers. I want the Forum to continue because it is a real discussion list
> rather than a bulletin board…
> HELENE BOSC: In memory of the remarkable work done by Stevan Harnad for
> Open Access through this list, during 14 years, I wish it continues...
> Richard Poynder would be a perfect moderator!
> BARBARA KIRSOP: If Stevan feels he can better operate in support of OA not
> as the moderator, then it would be great indeed if Richard Poynder would
> adopt the mantle. I think AMSCI should continue. I am somewhat in favour of
> a name change to highlight OA rather than the US - a name change could be a
> mini-re-launch perhaps and bring in new contributors - a fitting tribute to
> Stevan's past efforts.
> ARTHUR SALE: May I wish you the best as non-moderator. It is the right
> decision for you, I think. This may be a shock to you that I think that it
> is a plus, but I think we need to get new ideas into the OA transition, and
> you have done your bit and a lot more… and perhaps I can even convince you
> eventually that the Titanium Road is the way to go now! You will be
> bombarded with messages begging you to reconsider, but I do think it is the
> right decision. Then you can enjoy being yourself without constraint. No
> one person can bear the weight of the world, not even Atlas.
> IRYNA KUCHMA:The AmSci Open Access Forum is an active discussion forum
> (SOAF and BOAI are more like the announcement lists) and my answer is (1)
> definitely to continue. It's sad that you've decided to step down as a
> moderator. I wish I could help you with moderating it, but I am travelling
> a lot and sometimes not able to moderate the BOAI on time…. Hope you will
> find the ways to continue.

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