[Apologies for cross-posting]


Welcome to the December 2011 issue of ScieCom info. Nordic-Baltic Forum for
Scientific Communication.


Oslo University, Norway, has adopted an OA-policy. All personnel employed after
1 January 2012 shall deposit a post-print version of scientific articles created
in the course of their duties in the university institutional repository .Se
Charlotte Børdes article below.

·        UK White Paper “Innovation and Research Strategy for Growth 
commits the
Government to require OA to all outputs from publicly funded research. Read more
in our NEWS Section.

Our “Open Minds” series presents interviews from Lithuania and Sweden.

·        Our editor in Lithuania Meile Kretaviciene has interviewed the
Lithuanian publisher Eleonora Dagienė, Chair of Council of The Lithuanian
Association of  Scholar Periodicals, about her views and experiences of Open
Access. Eleonora Dagienė appreciates open access and believes that it gives
greater opportunities for Lithuanian journals.

·        Yvonne Hultman Özek has interviewed Mattias Collin, at the 
of Clinical Sciences, Lund University, Sweden. He began advocating OA when he
became more and more frustrated by having to pay high page charges despite
giving up the copyright to his own work. He has seen the attitudes to OA 
change  from very sceptical to positive,and believes that OA will be the future

·        In “Open Access policy at the University of Oslo” 
Charlotte Børde,
Senior Legal Adviser at the University of Oslo, illustrates the political
background and the legal aspects of the Open Access policy adopted by the Board
of the University of Oslo University in December. The author presents the policy
itself and the institutional process leading up to it.

·        In “Strategic Publishing Rules – a Manual for 
Researchers” Peter Linde
and HÃ¥kan Grahn at Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden, describe how they
try to handle the conflict between the research assessment system with its
emphasis on publishing in ISI-ranked journals and the demands for

·         Stina Johansson, Chalmers Library,  Gothenburg, Sweden, 
presents “The
Geography of Science – an example from Chalmers”.  The Chalmers Library
participates  in the ongoing research assessment of the eight Areas of Advance
at Chalmers, and the bibliometricians have studied the collaboration patterns of
the Chalmers researchers. 

·        In “Talking about open Access” Anne Sandfaer at the Danish 
Agency for
Libraries and Media, presents Knowledge Exchange , the partnership between DEFF
in Denmark, JISC in the UK, DFG in Germany, and the SURFfoundation in Holland.
This partnership has now launched a website for OA success stories, coming from
researchers, editors, publishers or anybody involved in the distribution of
research results.

We hope that you will have a god read. Your comments and ideas are very welcome
Ingegerd Rabow



    [ Part 2: "Attached Text" ]

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